Dear friends,
ELAW Fellow Nataliya Horodetska arrived from Lviv on Sunday. This is orientation week for her at the University of Oregon’s American English Institute. Nataliya will be with us for 10 weeks, to collaborate on her work as Legal Advisor at Environment People Law and improve her English.
Nataliya visits the produce aisle at our local market.
Ukrainian authorities are fast tracking energy development without involving communities in the decision making process. The government has been exploring hydraulic fracturing (fracking) for more than one year, but has not released environmental assessment plans to the public. Authorities are also planning to build hundreds of small-sized hydropower plants in the Carpathian Mountains, even though these hydroelectric plants would disturb the natural hydrological regimes of these rivers and lead to loss of water for communities and the economy.
Nataliya will work on these and other critical efforts, and ensure that communities in Ukraine have access to information about energy and other schemes, and sustainable alternatives.
Many thanks to the Trust for Mutual Understanding and the American English Institute for supporting Nataliya’s Fellowship!
All the best,
Maggie Keenan
Communications Director
ELAW Fellows Program Coordinator
Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide
P.S. Many people in Eugene, Portland, and Seattle generously host ELAW Fellows. If you are interested in hosting our visitors — for a meal, a day trip to the coast or Cascades, or a short home stay — please contact me! Click on this link
to learn more about our Host Family Program. And learn more about ELAW’s work by visiting our blog, the ELAW Spotlight, Facebook, and Twitter.