We continue presenting results of EPL studies of lost protected areas. As we reported earlier, in most regions of Ukraine we found a large number of areas and objects of natural reserve fund (NRF), which were canceled for various reasons. Instead, a pleasant exception was the Poltava region.
As of 27 July 2016, the NRF of Poltava region includes 387 protected areas with total area of 164,860.2 hectares.
In the Poltava region, protected areas have been actively created since 1960s. This trend is observed today too. Recent changes of NPF in Poltava region took place in the summer of 2016, namely an increase in the territory of the landscape reserve “Korolenkova cottage” (33.7 hectares) and raising the status from park monument of garden art “Kryvorudskyy” to the dendrological park of national importance “Kryvorudskyy.”
Majority of objects that do not exist now became part of the territories of other protected areas. The total area of 36 canceled objects is 5,349.72 hectares.
As a result of the studies, we note that the situation with the account of created and existing territories and protected areas in Poltava region is prosperous. Since 1964 the Poltava region lost (excluding officially canceled protected areas and protected areas that became part of larger objects, which is documentary proved) 165 hectares of protected areas and objects, which is 0.1% of all created protected areas.
Previous publications of the cycle:
Volyn region: http://epl.org.ua/en/events/2409-lost-sites-and-areas-of-nature-and-reserve-fund-part-1-volyn-region
Ivano-Frankivsk region: http://epl.org.ua/en/events/2360-lost-objects-in-the-territory-of-protected-areas-part-2-ivano-frankivsk-region
Chernivtsi region: http://epl.org.ua/en/events/2411-lost-sites-and-areas-of-nature-and-reserve-fund-part-1-volyn-region-2
Khmelnytsk region: http://epl.org.ua/en/events/2401-lost-sites-and-territories-of-nature-and-reserve-fund-part-4-khmelnytsk-region
Mykolayiv region: http://epl.org.ua/en/events/2489-lost-objects-of-natural-reserve-fund-1972-2016-part-5-mykolaiv-region
Sumy region: http://epl.org.ua/en/events/2505-lost-objects-and-territories-of-nature-reserve-fund-part-6-sumy-region
Rivne region: http://epl.org.ua/events/2523-vtracheni-ob-iekty-ta-terytorii-pryrodno-zapovidnoho-fondu-chastyna-7-rivnenska-oblast
Creation of Rivne reserve caused the loss in the nature reserve fund http://epl.org.ua/events/2533-stvorennia-rivnenskoho-zapovidnyka-pryzvelo-do-vtrat-pryrodno-zapovidnoho-fondu
Zhytomyr region: http://epl.org.ua/en/events/2643-lost-objects-and-areas-of-natural-reserve-fund-1967-2016-part-8-zhytomyr-region
Kyiv region: http://epl.org.ua/en/events/2654-lost-objects-and-territories-of-natural-reserve-fund-1968-2016-kyiv-region
Chernihiv region: http://epl.org.ua/events/2663-vtracheni-ob-iekty-pzf-chernihivska-oblast
Kherson region: http://epl.org.ua/en/events/2720-lost-objects-and-territories-of-nature-reserve-fund-kherson-region
Contact details:
Oleksiy Marushchak EPL volunteer
Oleksiy Vasyliuk, EPL environmentalist
tel.: (032) 225 – 76 – 82; 097 – 1000 – 473