We continue a series of articles on explanation and analysis of the content of the judgement of the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court in the case initiated by International Charitable Organization “Environment-People-Law” on protection of dolphins1.
According to the resolution of the Grand Chamber, the governmental authorities do not adequately protect animals that are used in performances.
In addition to a direct violation of the law that EPL has repeatedly indicated in its lawsuits, such facts do not contribute to the cultivation of a humane attitude towards animals, strengthening of morality and humanity in the society as a whole. In other words, the problem should in fact be considered in a broader context, and not just in the context of preserving the environment.
Animal world is a key component of the world that surrounds us, the national wealth of Ukraine and a source of the spiritual and aesthetic enrichment and education of people. In addition, animals are the object of scientific research, as well as an important basis for obtaining industrial and medicinal raw materials, food products and other material values.
Control over adequate animal management considering the relevant rules, which are acquired only by obtaining a special permit and for a fee, is in the interests of present and future generations in Ukraine. These functions are relied upon the competent authorities, which, in particular, are the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the State Environmental Inspectorate.
Is the judgement of the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court the first step towards starting a discussion about the existence of animal rights? Yes, it is! Since the court clearly recognized that the governmental authorities do not adequately protect animals used in performances. That is, this means not a formal compliance with the rules of the law, but ensuring the adequate maintenance of animals.
EPL welcomes such a progressive decision and calls on all animal rightists to take this decision on arms!
1The full text of the judgement in the case No. 910/8122/17 is available at http://reyestr.court.gov.ua/Review/78977479