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14 March 2019 Next court victory in a fight against new Danosha pig farm in Tlumach region

On February 27, 2019, Tlumach region court of Ivano-Frankivsk oblast ruled in favor of local resident fighting against next Danosha pig farm in Grushka village, Tlumach region. The court agreed that the decision to allocate 5,5 ha of land (pasture) into lease for a pig farm construction was illegal and declared void the Order of…

14 March 2019 EPL team is reporting for the year 2018

We face new challenges every day. Sometimes, next day after solving one problem, there are two or three new ones. A while ago, EPL made many efforts to enact the EIA procedure in Ukraine. It involved enormous advocacy work that finally lead to adoption of the law and the launching of the online register. It…

15 February 2019 EBRD Ukraine

EBRD Ukraine Kiev Resident Office 46-46A Antonovycha Str., Kyiv, 03150, Ukraine Tel: +30 44 354 4084 E-mail: kiev@kev.ebrd.com EIB Resident Representation for Ukraine 101, Volodymyrska Str UA-01033  Kyiv Ukraine +380 443908018 +352 437967495 kiev@eib.org Head of Representation: Jean-Erik DE ZAGON Hugues Mingarelli Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine 101…

22 January 2019 Ukraine observes the Aarhus Convention!

The Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court in its resolution in the case EPL vs. “Aquadelf” Ltd for the first time has reached a conclusion that an environmental (charity, non-governmental) organization is entitled to represent before the court the environmental interest of the society and its separate members in order to protect the violated environmental…

21 January 2019 Creation of protected areas in 2018: 0,05% of the plan

In 2018, 109 new territories and objects of the nature protection fund were created in Ukraine in 16 regions. The total area of new protected areas was 6765.77 hectares. However, these figures for the increase of protected areas in 2018 amounted to only 1/200 of the declared state intentions. By the Resolution of the Cabinet…

18 January 2019 Only 30 % of citizens consider eco-labelling when choosing a product

Eco-labelling is a symbol, an image or a wording on a label of a particular product or in its documentation indicating the environmental aspects of the product. Eco-labelling is intended to inform a consumer in a concise manner about the environmental benefits of the product and persuade him to buy the product that will have…

17 January 2019 Animals are not merely things!

We continue the series of articles about the conclusions of the first environmental decision of the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court in the case EPL vs. “Aquadelf” Ltd. Animals are the object of the ownership right of the people of Ukraine to natural resources, which establishes a special procedure for their paid use –…

16 January 2019 More than half of citizens think that the quality of air in Ukraine has worsened over the past 10 years

According to surveys conducted in November–December 20181, 60 % of citizens think that over the past 10 years, the quality of air in Ukraine has worsened. 28 % think that it has not changed. Another 5 % noted improvement of the air quality. 7 % did not determine a response. What concerns regional differences, the…

16 January 2019 The Supreme Court has established the jurisdiction

Another conclusion of the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court – disputes, in which an NGO substitutes a governmental authority, are within jurisdiction of the administrative courts.1 The Grand Chamber of the SC has established that International Charitable Organization “Environment-People-Law”, as an NGO, is entitled to take legal action in order to remedy breaches of…

15 January 2019 Who is the main controller of the state institutions?

One of the main conclusions of the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court in the case on a claim of International Charitable Organization “Environment-People-Law” against “Aquadelf” Ltd concerns the rights and possibilities of NGOs in the process of environmental protection. The Aarhus Convention1 defines the principles of observance and implementation of environmental law. It is…

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