P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82


Events and Announcements

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8 April 2020 Pump up your eco-activism with EPL and ELAW!

International charitable organization Environment-People-Law (EPL), in collaboration with the Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW), is launching a new project: “Strengthening Environmental Democracy in Ukraine,” funded by The United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF). The two-year project aims to strengthen public participation in environmental justice through three thematic platforms to address environmental issues in the following areas:…

28 February 2020 Causes and threats of decline in the number of cetaceans in the Black and Azov Seas

The Black Sea mammal fauna has three species of cetaceans, which are endemic subspecies – the harbour purpoise, the short-beaked common dolphin and the bottlenose dolphin. The undermining of the forage base, poaching, accidental deaths in fishing nets, invasions of alien species, epizootics, pollution of the sea led to the threat of extinction of the…

8 November 2019 International judges forum dedicated to judicial protection of natural environment and environmental rights took place in Kyiv.

On November 7, 2019, the High Administrative Court of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, in partnership with EPL, with the funding of the EU organized important and useful event for judges, academia and public. The participants to this event discussed elements of access to justice and court practice in cases concerning protection of environmental rights…

12 September 2019 Invitation for general stakeholders to participate in the survey concerning public participation in decision-making on climate change

Dear colleagues, We are inviting representatives of public, environmental and non–environmental NGOs, representatives of business, academia, municipalitiestoparticipateinthesurveyofpublicopinion. Survey is aimed at assessment of the level of awareness of wide public concerning problems of climate change, and possibilities for their participation in political or individual decision–making affecting climate, at national, regional and local levels, defining of…

28 May 2019 EU project makes assessment of mercury-containing waste in Ukraine

Lviv, May 28, 2019 Annually Ukraine dumps about 26 mln fluorescent lamps that contain about 130 kg of mercury. Waste electronic and electric equipment contributes to another 40 kg of mercury that gets into the environment as stated in the analytical report “Assessment of amounts of mercury-containing waste and recommendations for implementation of the Minamata…

24 May 2019 Conference “Ukraine’s accession to the Minamata Convention on mercury and its implementation – the priority for preserving health and environment”

Lviv, May 24, 2019 Conference “Ukraine’s accession to the Minamata Convention on mercury and its implementation – the priority for preserving health and environment” On May 28-29, 2019, the EU project “Ukrainian civil society for European-style waste management” will hold the international conference “Ukraine’s joining the Minamata Convention on mercury and its implementation – the…

14 March 2019 Next court victory in a fight against new Danosha pig farm in Tlumach region

On February 27, 2019, Tlumach region court of Ivano-Frankivsk oblast ruled in favor of local resident fighting against next Danosha pig farm in Grushka village, Tlumach region. The court agreed that the decision to allocate 5,5 ha of land (pasture) into lease for a pig farm construction was illegal and declared void the Order of…

14 March 2019 EPL team is reporting for the year 2018

We face new challenges every day. Sometimes, next day after solving one problem, there are two or three new ones. A while ago, EPL made many efforts to enact the EIA procedure in Ukraine. It involved enormous advocacy work that finally lead to adoption of the law and the launching of the online register. It…

15 February 2019 EBRD Ukraine

EBRD Ukraine Kiev Resident Office 46-46A Antonovycha Str., Kyiv, 03150, Ukraine Tel: +30 44 354 4084 E-mail: kiev@kev.ebrd.com EIB Resident Representation for Ukraine 101, Volodymyrska Str UA-01033  Kyiv Ukraine +380 443908018 +352 437967495 kiev@eib.org Head of Representation: Jean-Erik DE ZAGON Hugues Mingarelli Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine 101…

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