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9 January 2019 What are Ukrainians willing to do in order to preserve the environment?

According to survey conducted in November-December 20181, an absolute majority of respondents agree with the statement that environmental problems directly affect their everyday lives and health. At the same time, environmental problems, as well as the environment in general depend not only on the authorities, adopted norms, international standards, etc., but also on the activities…

9 January 2019 For-profit use of objects listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine is prohibited

A new law enforcement practice of the Grand Chamber of the SC in environmental cases acknowledges as illegal commercial use of animals listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine (article 19 of the Law of Ukraine of February 07, 2002 No. 3055-III “On the Red Data Book of Ukraine”) (The full text of the…

8 January 2019 The Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court marks a decisive end to discussions on a need in permits in environmental protection

Operation without obtaining relevant permits, if required, even if there is no procedure in place for their issue, is prohibited. This is the first of the conclusions of the resolution of the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court in the case of EPL to protect dolphins. The full text of the judgement in the Case…

4 January 2019 Does the environmental status influence human life and health: the Ukrainian people’s opinion

According to the World Health Organization, chemical and biological pollution of air, water, soil, the noise, the anthropogenic climate changes and changes in the ecosystem are among the factors that directly affect human health1. This comes as no surprise, as consuming polluted water, consuming products grown on polluted lands, inhaling polluted air daily, a person…

6 November 2018 “Lisproekt” and “Liszakhyst” enterprises need budget funding and independence from the State Agency of Forest Resources of Ukraine (SAFRU)!

In recent months, state leaders have repeatedly demanded to punish the perpetrators guilty of illegal forest logging and “save Ukrainian forests.” In particular, the Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Hroisman ordered to conduct full inspections of all forestry companies to focus on their compliance with the law. According to EPL, no inspections can correct the…

5 November 2018 5 stages of waste management. Stage 1: Preventing waste generation

Do you know what waste management approaches applied in the EU should soon be working in Ukraine? The European Union practice The key steps classified according to their desirability and environmental friendliness are reflected in the waste hierarchy contained in the EU Waste Directive of November 19, 2008, which looks like this: 1. Prevention. 2….

2 October 2018 Why forest certification does not work properly in Ukraine?

FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) is a non-governmental non-commercial member organization, founded in 1993 by a group of nature conservation organizations, forestry enterprises, traders and forestry trade unions. The primary goal was to protect tropical forests from intensive logging. Nowadays FSC Forest Management Standard is widely spread among the world. Obtaining FSC Certificate enables enterprises to…

19 September 2018 Most of protected areas in the ATO zone are harmed by the war

Starting from June 2014, EPL has been monitoring the conditions of protected areas in Donetsk and Luhansk regions because of the war. Most of reliable facts can be found on EPL’s web-site in the thematic news1 and research2 sections. EPL experts released more than 20 materials in collections of academic papers and conference theses devoted…

19 September 2018 Russia revokes reserves in Crimea

Some land from the territory of the Crimean and Yalta mountain-forest reserves has been withdrawn for the construction of government dachas. The status of the land, the area of which is equivalent to all suburban forests in Kyiv, has been changed from protected to recreational one. The Cape Martyan Reserve and 11 other national nature…

14 September 2018 100 judges have increased their qualifications in environmental matters

The project “Effective Justice for Protection of the Environment and Environmental Rights of Citizens” that was implemented for a year supported by the Nove Pravosuddya Justice Sector Reform Program financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is coming to an end. During this time, a distance course “Human Rights and Environmental Protection”…

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