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13 September 2018 Environmental catastrophe in Crimea: poisoned air

In recent days, the technogenic disaster on the northern outskirts of the Crimean peninsula has been a major environmental issue in Ukraine. Similar to the situation with the territories in Donbass not controlled by the Ukrainian government, no civil society organization or public controling auhtority of Ukraine have the possibility to get to the scene…

6 September 2018 International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” calls for not burning dry vegetation and waste

International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” (EPL) calls for not burning dry vegetation, but to compost it with the purpose to fertilize private plots. Domestic waste (PET bottles, plastic, polyethylene, paper, cardboard) need to be sorted separately and resource-consuming components are to be taken to collection points, while the remaining waste is to be landfilled. If separate…

5 June 2018 20 judges in Odesa at the training “Human rights and environmental protection”

World Environment Day that is annually celebrated on 5 June, this year united 20 judges in Odesa at the training “Human rights and environmental protection”. During the training the judges will learn more about the problem of violations of environmental legislation in the National Nature Park “Nyzhniodnistrovsky”. Representatives of the park will conduct a lecture…

3 June 2018 Geneva hosted the 7th meeting of the Working group on EIA and SEA (Espoo Convention)

On 28-30 May 2018, Geneva (Switzerland) hosted the 7th meeting of the Working group on environmental impact assessment (EIA) and strategic environmental assessment (SEA). The meeting reviewed the status of ratification of the Espoo Convention1 by Parties and compliance with and implementation of its provisions. Among others, the Secretariat of the Convention released the report…

14 May 2018 Training “Organising effective waste management: what can local authorities do?”

Odesa, May 21, 2018 On Thursday, May 24, 2018, the EU project “Ukrainian civil society for European-style waste management” will hold the training “Organising effective waste management: what can local authorities do?” The agenda will include the following topics: How local authorities organize and control waste management. The ways to attract investment, implement state-private partnership…

14 May 2018 Local authorities have to activate waste recycling – environmentalists

Odesa, May 24, 2018   Since January 1, 2018, the landfilling of non-recycled domestic waste has been banned in Ukraine. According to the law “On Waste”, local councils, including village and town councils and amalgamated territorial communities, are responsible for this process. In order to teach them how to organize proper waste recycling, experts of…

23 April 2018 Distance course for judges “Human rights and environmental protection”

           The approbation of the distance course for judges “Human rights and environmental protection” will be performed from the 2nd May until 1st June 2018. This course was developed by International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” thanks to support of the National School of Judges of Ukraine and funding of New Justice USAID Program within the project…

18 April 2018

Despite the media coverage and discussions within the specially created working group at the Ministry of Environment of Ukraine1, on April 5, the Armed Forces of Ukraine conducted training in the fully reserved area of the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve. This is despite of the fact that any stay on the territory of the reserved…

17 April 2018 Local authorities have to activate waste recycling – environmentalists

Kharkiv, April 17, 2018 Since January 1, 2018, the landfilling of non-recycled domestic waste has been banned in Ukraine. According to the law “On Waste”, local councils, including village and town councils and amalgamated territorial communities, are responsible for this process. In order to teach them how to organize proper waste recycling, experts of the…

16 April 2018 Training “Organization of effective waste management: what local authorities can do”

Kharkiv, April 14, 2018 On Tuesday, April 17, 2018, the EU-funded project “Ukrainian civil society for European-style waste management” will hold the training “Organization of effective waste management: what local authorities can do”. The agenda will include the following topics: How local authorities organize and control waste management. The ways to attract investment, implement state-private…

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