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29 November 2017 EPL Position on the Actions of the Lviv City Council regarding Solid Municipal Waste Management

One and a half year has passed since Hrybovychi tragedy. What exactly has changed in the field of waste management in Lviv? After the closure of the Hrybovychi landfill Lviv waste has travelled all over Ukraine, now – all over Lviv obalst to the landfills, none of which meets the requirements of environmental safety. And…

24 November 2017 What may the “Reserve-Forest” Decree of the President lead to?

On 21 November 2017, the President signed Decree No. 381/2017 “On Additional Measures for the Development of Forestry, Rational Use of Nature and Preservation of Objects of the Nature Reserve Fund”1. However, the analysis of this document questioned its professionalism, feasibility, as well as the possibilities of its practical implementation. Some of its provisions can,…

21 November 2017 The truth is on the side of the residents or how Akris Agro Ltd itself destroys its reputation

On November 21, 2017, Kyiv Appellate Court adopted the judgement in favor of Mr. Bohdan, a local activist from the Rivne region, who has been struggling with Akris Agro Ltd. for over two years protecting his right to safe and healthy environment. The company grows agricultural crops and, in order to achieve the maximum yield,…

21 November 2017 The state secretary of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine conceals information about directors of national parks

On 5 October 2017, EPL addressed the Ministry of Environment with the request to disclose the list of persons occupying leading positions in institutions of the nature protection fund subordinated to the Ministry of Environment and the list of people that were appointed to the positions of directors and vice-directors in 2017. The latest open…

20 November 2017 Officials of the Ministry of Environment have once again stepped aside from solving the problems of Tsumanska Pushcha.

EPL has repeatedly covered the difficult situation that has developed in the Kivertsi National Nature Park “Tsumanska Pushcha”. Due to the lack of the project of functional territory zoning, the park de facto cannot function in the full scope. The state enterprise “Tsuman forestry” carries out forest felling including the final felling ignoring the very…

16 November 2017 COP 23: one conference, two zones

The UN 23rd conference on climate change was organized according to the concept “one conference, two zones”. What was the purpose of dividing the conference into two zones, how are they different, interesting and useful? Bula zone The name of the zone has its meaning. COP 23 was to be held in Fiji but because…

6 November 2017 The Appellate Court supported the public in their fight against another pig farm in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast

On 6 November 2017, Lviv Appellate Administrative Court supported the decision of Ivano-Frankivsk Circuit Administrative Court of 23 June 2017 (http://www.reyestr.court.gov.ua/Review/67480505) to declare unlawful the transfer of 5,5 ha of agricultural lands for lease by another pig raising complex of «Danosha” Ltd. The plaintiff, a resident of the Tlumach district of Ivano-Frankivsk oblast, being aware…

3 November 2017 EPL and Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Cherkassy National University – cooperation for the sake of the future

On November 2, 2017, the Training and Scientific Institute of Bohdan Khmelnytski Cherkassy National University hosted the first, introductory training seminar within the course “Ukraine as an Element of the Pan-European Nature Protection Space”. EPL environmental scientist Petro Testov informed students majoring in environmental studies and biology about the main approaches to environmental protection management…

23 October 2017 The Dnipro shipping route is lobbied by the presidential party and “NIBULON”

Ukrainian politicians and agrarian tycoons have announced the intention to build the Ukrainian part of the waterway from Gdansk to Kherson. E40 is the waterway more than 2000 kilometers long, which should pass through the territory of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. It is planned that the route will connect the Black Sea and the Baltic…

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