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31 May 2017 Judges saw with their own eyes the environmental disaster the fate of which they decide

30 May 2017 was the first day of the training for judges entitiled “Environmental protection and human rights” organized by International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” and the National School of Judges. On the way to the training venue, participants of the training, including 27 judges of general jurisdiction of various instances, visited the pig raising farm…

31 May 2017 EPL speaks about the impact of armed conflicts on the environment at IUCN Colloquium

Olya Melen-Zabramna participates in the 15th Colloquium of IUCN Academy of environmental law taking place in Cebu, Philippines. Workshop held by organizers on May, 30 was dedicated to the protection of the nature in conflicts and building peace. Participants shared their stories from the conflict zones such as Congo, Rwanda on peace building and nature…

4 May 2017


12 April 2017 City Council officials did not draw lessons from the tragedy on Hrybovychi landfill

On Tuesday, April 4, 2017, Lviv Regional State Administration held the meeting, where once again the governor acted as an intermediary between Lviv city council and villagers of Malekhiv trying to bring the parties to compromise in addressing the pressing issues of utilization of waste filtrates and preventing pollution of land and water resources with…

12 April 2017 Statement of EPL for Members of the Parliament about the danger of setting “green tariff” for incineration of solid domestic waste

International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” reviewed the draft law №4493 “On Electricity Market of Ukraine” and amendments # 1104, 1106, 1108 to it that propose classification of domestic waste as a source of alternative energy and setting “green tariff” for enterprises that produce energy from domestic waste. The draft law in its original wording did not…

6 April 2017 A unique geological monument destructed in Dnipropetrovsk region

In the vicinity of Krivyi Rih, the unknown destroyed the monument of nature called “Outcrops of arkose sandstones.” The violations were revealed by local area studies experts who write for wikipedia. During the examination of this protected object, the experts detected that it was significantly damaged by illegal stone mining. In particular, the cliff suffered…

1 March 2017 The month of adoption of the law on environmental impact assessment

In February 2017, two committees of multilateral environmental agreements reviewed the progress in Ukraine’s implementation of its international obligations directly related to the adoption of the law on environmental impact assessment. On 20-22 February 2017, there was held the meeting of the Implementation Committee of the Espoo Convention (the Convention on the Assessment of the…

24 February 2017 Together against corruption

On February 22, 2017, the Ministry of Environment hosted the working meeting regarding creation of a unified electronic system of access to information on permits, reports, inspection materials in the field of environmental protection, which is a priority anti-corruption measures of the Ministry of Environment of Ukraine for implementation of the Resolution of the Cabinet…

23 February 2017 Pig farms as top-secret facilities

Since autumn 2016, EPL team has been advising residents of Tlumach district of Ivano-Frankivsk region, who learned of the decision of Tlumach District Administration №109 “On approval of the detailed plan of the territory outside the settlements of Hrushkivska, Havrylyatska, Hotymyrska village councils for building farm facilities on the farming land” adopted in February 2016….

23 February 2017 The authorities of the village where deforestation rate is the highest in Kyiv oblast protest against creation of a national park

V. Sereda, the village mayor of Plesetske village in Kyiv oblast, appealed to the head of the Kyiv Regional Council H. Starikov with the request to prevent the establishment of a new national park in Kyiv oblast. The creation of the national nature parks “Pryirpinnya and Chernechyi lis”1 was initiated by scholars and activists of…

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