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5 August 2023 Bays of the Kakhov reservoir after the disaster. The silent death of thousands of living beings

Consequences of blowing up the Kakhovskaya HPP for the ecosystems of southern Ukraine Walking along the bottom of the former reservoir, we saw thousands of shells from dead molluscs. They were scattered everywhere, among them lay the dried skeletons of crayfish, and sometimes there were remains of fish. Frogs croaked in the remaining lakes, surely,…

31 July 2023 Reconstruction of the Kakhovka HPP: premature decision of the CMU

“Kakhovka Platform” calls on the government to reconsider its intentions The civil society coalition “Kakhovka Platform” appealed to the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal with a letter of appeal regarding the government’s approval of the experimental project to rebuild the Kakhovka HPP. “The blowing up of the Kakhovka HPP dam by the Russian occupiers…

26 July 2023 The Supreme Court on construction within the coastal protection zone

On July 3, 2023, the Supreme Court issued a ruling regarding legality of the approval of the detailed plan “Yaroslavna” in the Shchaslyvtseve village council of the Henichesk district of the Kherson region (case No. 540/86/20). The essence of the case was that the detailed plan of a part of the territory of the Shchaslyvtseve…

26 July 2023 Staff of the National Nature Park “Desnyansko-Starohutskyi” became the winner of a prestigious international competition!

Staff of “Desnyansko-Starohutskyi” National Nature Park won the International Ranger Award from the International Union for Conservation of Nature. This is recognition at the global level of many years of persistent and hard work! Why was this park awarded? Because staff of the park not only protect nature with power of their hearts but also…

26 July 2023 Continuation of the case on compliance with the requirements of legislation during the treatment of fields with pesticides and agrochemicals: Zalistsi village, Kremenets district, Ternopil region

  For many years, residents of the village of Zalistsi in the Ternopil region have been watching the growing use of pesticides and agrochemicals of dubious quality by local farmers. EPL team also got involved in solving this issue. We have already repeatedly talked about the development of this case on our information resources: http://surl.li/jkhhk,…

17 July 2023 The laboratory confirmed that bees in Brody district died due to a dangerous toxin

On its information resources, EPL has already informed about the case of a mass plague of bees in Brody district (Lviv region)1. According to the results of a study conducted by the State Enterprise “Scientific Center of Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety named after L.I. Medved of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, traces…

12 July 2023 Results of communication with the Prosecutor General’s Office

Results of communication with the Prosecutor General’s Office EPL continues communication with representatives of the Office of the Prosecutor General (hereinafter – OPG), including authorized persons of the Specialized Environmental Prosecutor’s Office. In the course of a series of working meetings and communication with a number of representatives of the OPG, there were identified the…

12 July 2023 Ukrainian civil society – the voice of global ecological security

The representative of the EPL participated in a webinar of the European Parliament addressing the ecocide in Ukraine caused by Russian military aggression. The webinar was organized by Member of the European Parliament Viola von Cramon-Taubadel and her team. Representatives of environmental organizations from Germany, France, as well as Members of the Verkhovna Rada of…

6 July 2023 Welcome speech for participants of the summer school and Eco-hackathon by Prof. John Bonine, Chair of EPL Executive Board

Welcome to the EPL summer school, the Eco-Hackathon, and to the hard but rewarding work that lies ahead of you – not only for these days but for the months and years ahead. And for some of you, for the rest of your professional and personal lives. I do not have to tell you that…

6 July 2023 Assessing losses of ecosystem services in the Svyati Hory National Park: a presentation from ELAW scientist

  Participants of EPL’s summer school and Eco-Hacathon had a privilege to listen to a presentation by Dr. Mark Cherniak, Science Program Director at Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW). Dr. Cherniak spoke about the losses of ecosystem services of forest biotopes in the Svyati Hory National Park: a practical case. The presenter began by defining…

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