P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82


Events and Announcements

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14 September 2013 EPL performed another public expertise of realization of the Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information”

From January until September 2013 EPL was performing the public expertise of functioning of the Chief Statistics Administration in Lviv region analyzing the level of access to primary data that are supposed to be open. This is the third public expertise performed by EPL since entry into force of the Law of Ukraine “On Access…

3 September 2013 Launching the National platform of strategic litigation for protection of environmental human rights

EPL has started creation of the National platform of strategic litigation for protection of environmental rights. Since environmental rights are directly related to the basic human right – the right to life – it is vital to develop this direction within Ukrainian human rights protecting groups. The platform is created to facilitate exchange of experience,…

13 August 2013 Local communities and EPL forced Danish company to give up its plan on piggery construction

Since 2005 the village Sivka-Vojnulivska has been facing the resistance between Danish company “Danosha” and local population against the plans of the company to construct the piggery with the capacity of 11,900 animal units in the village. The company was given the land plot in a lease for 49 years by rayon state administration for…

15 July 2013 Hollande vows no shale gas exploration while he is president

(AFP) – 16 hours ago PARIS, France — President Francois Hollande said on Sunday that France would maintain its ban on the exploration for shale gas throughout his five-year term. “As long as I am president, there were will be no exploration for shale gas,” Hollande said during a Bastille Day interview with top television…

15 July 2013 Hollande rules out shale gas exploration

French president Francois Hollande has ruled out exploration for shale gas during his term on office, ending hopes that a ban on hydraulic fracturing could be reviewed following a legal challenge by a US firm. Many believe tapping France’s potentially large shale gas reserves could revive the ailing French economy. Photo: AP

29 June 2013 Litigation with nuclear company to save protected area “Granitno-stepove Pobyzha” started again

On July, 10, 2013 the District Administrative Court of Kiev will consider the claim brought by EPL against the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and NNEGC «Enegroatom» asking the court to demand release of 27,72 ha of protected lands flooded by Oleksandrivsky water reservoir. Theplaintiffasksthecourttodemandthereleaseof 27,72 haoflandswhichwereallocatedtothenuclearenergycompanywithviolationsofthelawswhichwasconfirmedbycourts, includingtheSupremeCourtofUkraine. Theplaintiffalsoasksthecourttodeclareinvalidthestatelandcertificatesissued to NNEGC «Enegroatom» in 2006.

14 June 2013 Public addresses the court on the issue of construction of blocks 3 and 4 at KhNPP

On June, 11, 2013 the District administrative court of Kyiv scheduled the first court hearing in a case initiated by EPL against the Ministry of energy and coal industry of Ukraine alleging the illegality of the preparation of the draft law  «On placement, projecting and construction of blocks 3 and 4 at KhNPP». This law…

4 June 2013 EPL representatives will take part in the Conference on environmental impact assessment in Wrocław

On 23-24 May 2013, the Polish city of Wrocław will host a scientific conference entitled “EU Environmental Impact Assessment Directive – challenges and perspectives in the light of the past experiences and the recent proposal for amendment”. The conference will be hosted by Law Faculty of the Wrocław University and according to preliminary registration will…

30 May 2013 Ukrainian court opened proceedings regarding confidentiality of shale gas agreement

On May 23, 2013 the Administrative court of the city of Kyiv opened proceedings on the lawsuit filed by Environment-People-Law against the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine regarding limited access of the public to information regarding a product sharing agreement signed by the Government of Ukraine and Shell. By this agreement, the Government vested investors…

26 May 2013 The first victory of environmental communities in shale gas conflict: the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Environmental Policy held shale gas hearings attended by NGOs

On 22 May, the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Environmental Policy, Use of Natural Resources and Liquidation of Consequences of Chornobyl Disaster held hearings entitled “Environmental problems of shale gas extraction in Ukraine” initiated and organized by the head of the Committee Iryna Sekh. The Committee hearings were attended by deputies, staff of the Verkhovna Rada…

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