P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82


Events and Announcements

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10 November 2013 The Ambassador of Sweden in Lviv

On 5 November 2013, Lviv was visited by Extraordinary and Plenipotential Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden Andreas von Beckerath who recently entered this post and shows sincere desire to deeply comprehend current situation in Ukraine and define the most effective ways of Swedish-Ukrainian cooperation. Within his official visit the Ambassador had a number of…

10 November 2013 The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources reports: the focal point has been appointed

But is there time and political will for proper implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Ukraine? Does the Ministry have understanding of the spirit of the Aarhus Convention? In September 2013, EPL drew attention of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine to the critical situation with Ukraine’s compliance with the Aarhus Convention,…

9 November 2013 Limitation period hampers the litigation on the legality of construction of new nuclear blocks N3 and 4 at KhNPP

On October 22, 2013 the Kiev Appeal Administrative Court left in force the decision of the District administrative court of Kyiv dated 13.08.2013 which left the EPL suit without consideration due to the expiration of the 6-months limitation period. Back in May 2013 EPL filed a suit to administrative court against the Ministry of energy…

28 October 2013 The Appellate Court found unlawful redirection of EPL’s complaints to a body actions of which we challenge

The General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine as well as local prosecutor’s offices have a wide-spread practice of not considering complaints on the merit and redirecting them to a body an activity or a decision of which is challenged by a physical or legal entity. This is a violation of p. 4 Article 7 of the…

23 October 2013 Does Ukraine need European standards of environmental impact assessment?

On 21-22 October 2013, Lviv hosted a round-table discussion “Implementing European standards of environmental impact assessment in Ukraine”. On the eve of the Vilnius summit and in view of Meetings  of Parties to the Aarhus and Espoo Conventions next year, Environment-People-Law (hereinafter – EPL) organized a discussion of the issue of improving the national legal…

14 October 2013 Sweden supports Euro-integration aspirations of Ukraine in the sphere of environmental protection

On 9 September 2013,in Stockholm (Sweden) there started International training program on environmental governance with EU focus for officials from Balkan countries (Albania, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Kosovo) and Ukraine. The program is realized by Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) supported by Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA).

25 September 2013 Read
14 September 2013 EPL performed another public expertise of realization of the Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information”

From January until September 2013 EPL was performing the public expertise of functioning of the Chief Statistics Administration in Lviv region analyzing the level of access to primary data that are supposed to be open. This is the third public expertise performed by EPL since entry into force of the Law of Ukraine “On Access…

3 September 2013 Launching the National platform of strategic litigation for protection of environmental human rights

EPL has started creation of the National platform of strategic litigation for protection of environmental rights. Since environmental rights are directly related to the basic human right – the right to life – it is vital to develop this direction within Ukrainian human rights protecting groups. The platform is created to facilitate exchange of experience,…

13 August 2013 Local communities and EPL forced Danish company to give up its plan on piggery construction

Since 2005 the village Sivka-Vojnulivska has been facing the resistance between Danish company “Danosha” and local population against the plans of the company to construct the piggery with the capacity of 11,900 animal units in the village. The company was given the land plot in a lease for 49 years by rayon state administration for…

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