P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82


Useful materials

Report for the Commissioners for planning and architecture on the issue of access to information of urban planning

Report for the Commissioners for planning and architecture on the issue of access to information of urban planning minregion.gov.ua/building/rozrobka-mistobudivnoi-dokumentaczi/mistobuduvannja-ta-planuvannja-teritorij/informacijne-povidomlennja-dlja-upovnovazhenyh-organiv-mistobuduvannja-ta-arhitektury-shhodo-pytannja-dostupu/

General Plan – the Key to your city

General Plan – the Key to your city / Eastern-Ukrainian Center for Civic Initiatives www.cityplan.in.ua/en

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