In Ternopil region, local population destroy a hill with rare plants by extracting sand and ignoring the fact that it is the newly created nature monument. The nature monument of local importance called “Dzherelna” was created on public lands of Kremenets City Council by the decision of Ternopil Regional Council of 9 April 2015 # 1912.This is a new habitat of the rare plant moonwort (Botrychium lunaria). The site is located on a slope, borders on private areas and protected area of the National Natural Park “Kremenets Mountains.”
Since the end of 2015, local population have been using the site for the purpose of illegal extracting of sand and made here an unauthorized landfill, which poses a threat of the extinction of rare species. The natural monument has only 1.5 hectares of area and therefore can be destroyed in a short period of time. The actual territory of the land lot has not been documented yet and it is not equipped with protective signs. “Violation of natural complexes of natural reserve fund, which leads to the destruction of species that are protected, and damage to the landscape, is a violation of the law of Ukraine on the Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine and is punished according to Art. 252 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine”, – says environmentalist of International charitable foundation “Environment-People-Law “(EPL) Oleksiy Vasilyuk.
EPL appealed to the enforcement authorities with a demand to stop the violations and bring to justice those responsible for committing them.
Contact details:
Oleksiy Vasyliuk, EPL environmentalist
Tel.: (032) 225 76 82; 097 – 1000 – 473