Case: Consideration of the climate change issue in the course of EIA in Ukraine.
Region: Ukraine
Fact of the matter: Impact of a planned activity on the global climate change in the course of EIA in Ukraine is not being taken into consideration. The impact of the projected objects on the microclimate is considered, but it does not cover global climate change in the context of emissions of green-house gases (GHG).
Main Facts:
According to the announcement of the state authorities who perform EIA in Ukraine, one, even large enterprise cannot influence the global climate change; that is why during the EIA process the proper accounting of the planned emission of GHG is not conducted.
Such neglect of the issue of influence of a planned activity on the global climate change is inadmissible because it contradicts many principles and norms of national and international legislation about the climate protection for the present and future human generations.
Moreover, the EIA is aimed to predict changes of the environment caused by the planned activity. In view of the fact that the above-mentioned issue is not taken into consideration in the course of EIA, we can affirm that the examination of the impact of a planned activity on the environment is not carried out in full scope and the implementation of certain climate change obligations by Ukraine according to the UNFCCCC and Kyoto Protocol becomes impossible.
Therefore, it is necessary that proper actions meant to influence the decision as for necessity to consider the impact of a planned activity on global climate change in the course of EIA be undertaken in Ukraine and necessary legal regulations be established.