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Law - Cases -

Access to reporting on water use (form 2-tp water management).

Case: Access to reporting on water use according to the form 2-tp (water management). Region: Ukraine, Mykolayiv region. Case objective: To ensure access to state reporting on water use according to the form 2- tp (water management). Parties to a case: Plaintiff – ICO «Environment-People-Law», Defendant –  Mykolayiv Regional Department of Water Resources. Core of the problem: The Department…

Рrotection of biodiversity and protected area of Ukraine

Case: Tashlytska Pumped Storage Hydro Station Region: Ukraine, Mykolaiv oblast, Yuzhnoukrainsk Essence of case: protection of biodiversity and protected area of Ukraine, protection of the right to safe and healthy environment; Parties: Residents of Mykolaiv and Mykolaiv oblast, regional-landscape park ”Granitno-stepove Pobuzhya” SE NNEC “Energoatom,” South-Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant, Ministry of Fuel and Energy of…

Protection of the right to safe and healthy environment

Case: extension of the lifetime of nuclear reactor № 1at South-Ukrainian nuclear power plant (SU NPP) Region: Ukraine, Mykolaiv region, Yuzhnoukrainsk Essence of the case: protection of the right to safe and healthy environment during decision-making on extension of the lifetime of nuclear reactor №1 at SU NPP Parties: EPL, the State Inspection of Nuclear…

Рrotection of biodiversity and protected area of Ukraine

Case: Tashlytska Pumped Storage Hydro Station Region: Ukraine, Mykolaiv oblast, Yuzhnoukrainsk Essence of case: protection of biodiversity and protected area of Ukraine, protection of the right to safe and healthy environment; Parties: Residents of Mykolaiv and Mykolaiv oblast, regional-landscape park ”Granitno-stepove Pobuzhya” SE NNEC “Energoatom,” South-Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant, Ministry of Fuel and Energy of…

Biodiversity conservation

Case: Danube-Black Sea Canal Region: Europe, Ukraine, Odessa oblast, Vylkovo city (map) Essence of case : Protection of the biodiversity of the Danube delta Parties: President of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Transport of Ukraine, SE “Delta Lotzman”, Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Danube Biosphere…

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