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Protection of the right to safe and healthy environment

challenGing THE REDUCTION OF sanitary protection zone OF POULTRY FARm with capacity of 1 Mln heads

  Case: on challenging the conclusion of the state sanitary-epidemiological examination. Region: Ukraine, Lviv region. The essence of the case: There are plans to construct a poultry farm for 1 million chickens beyond the village of Lany, near residential buildings of local residents. In the Unified Register of Strategic Environmental Assessment, the Detailed Territory Plan…

PROTECTION OF THE RIGHTS OF RESIDENTS of Gryada village, violated by the Gryada pig farm

REGION: village Hryada, Lviv district, Lviv region. Merits of the case: Protection of environmental rights of residents of Gryada village from pollution caused by the pig farm of LLC «APP Hryada». Core of the problem: The LLC “APP Gryada” pig farm has been poisoning the air and surrounding land for many years, resulting in suffering…

Protecting the right to environmental safety due to the lack of control over the use of pesticides and agrochemicals

Protecting the right to environmental safety due to the lack of control over the use of pesticides and agrochemicals Case: Prohibition of pesticides and agrochemicals due to lack of control system Region: Ukraine Essence of the case: The establishment in Ukraine of control over the use of pesticides and agrochemicals Essence of the problem: In…

Protection of the Tarutynskyi steppe

Essence of the case: protection of the biodiversity of the unique steppe land, restoration of the damaged part of the landscape reserve of local significance Tarutino steppe Region: Ukraine, Odessa region Essence of the problem: Destroyed about 1,000 hectares of particularly valuable steppe territory protected by the legislation on the natural reserve fund. Parties: Cabinet of…

Violation of the right to safe and healthy environment by pig farm “Lemberg-Agro” LtD

Region: village Duliby, Zhydachiv region, Lviv oblast Essence of the case: Protection of the right to residents to safe and healthy environment, protection of elements of environment (water, soil, air), protection of activists Essence of the problems: launch of operation of pig farm, located at the distance of 230 м from the nearest house violates…

Construction of mineral wool plant by LLC “Knauf Insulation Ukraine”

Region: Ukraine, Kiev region, Fastiv Essence of the case: Protection of the right to safe and healthy environment, right to participation of the public in environmental decision-making Parties: Plaintiff – ICO “Environment-People-Law”, Respondent – Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine, third party to the dispute – LLC “Knauf Insulation Ukraine“. Essence of problem: Foreign company…

Minimization of the affect on the environment and residents` health from the results of operation of piggery of “Silski Traduciyi” LtD

Region: village Bilyky, Kobelackyj rayon, Poltava oblast Essence of the case: Protection of citizens` right to safe and healthy environment, protection of the components of environment (water, soil, air), protection of activists Essence of the problem: Residents of Bilyky village are suffering from permanent odour, sewage gas resulting from the operation of pig farm “Silski…

Minimization of affect on the environment and residents’ health in the result of operation of piggeries by LtD “Danosha”

Region: Halickyi and Kalush district of Ivano-Frankivsk region. Essence of the case: Protection of citizens’ rights to safe and healthy environment, protection of environmental components (water, soil, air). Essence of the problem: Residents of Deliyeve, Lany and Luka villages are suffering from constant odor, which is the result of operation of piggeries by “Danosha”. Fields…

Lviv-Krakivets Highway

Case: Lviv-Krakivets Highway Region: Ukraine, Lviv oblast, Zhovkivskyy rayon Essence of case: Protection of the right of citizens to safe and healthy environment, right to participation in environmental decision-making Parties: Residents of Zashkiv and Zavadiv “Transmagistral” consortium Essence of problem: Zashkiv and Zavadiv villages oppose construction of Lviv-Krakivets highway througt their territory Main facts: In…


Case: Vilshyna Khutir Essence of case: Protection of the right of the people of Vilshyna khutir (settlement in Lviv oblast) to safe and healthy environment Region: Europe, Ukraine, Lviv oblast, Ciletz village, Vilshyna khutir Essence of problem: Vilshyna khutir is located in the territory of Chervonograd mining-and-industrial region. Two mining enterprises – central coal enrichment…

Waste Incineration Plant

Case: Waste Incineration Plant EPL versus Lviv City Council Region: Lviv, Lviv region Essence of case: Prevention of the environmentally dangerous project Parties: EPL, Lviv City Council Essence of problem: Prevention of construction of dangerous waste incineration plant through the Internet Main facts: It happens that in our work we have to use not only…

Waste Processing Plant in the village Mezyrichya

Case: Waste Processing Plant in the village Mezyrichya Residents of Mezyrichya versus Chervonograd city council Region: Ukraine, Lviv oblast Essence of case: Protection of the right to safe and healthy environment, right to participation in environmental decision-making Parties:    Residents of Mezyrichya – plaintiffs Chervonograd city council – defendant Essence of problem: Suspension of the construction…

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