P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82


1111.Industry lobbyists weakened Europe’s air pollution rules, say Greenpeace (2015-03-05)

( Environmental news )

... Governments, including the UK, are allowing energy industry representatives to help draw up Europe’s air quality limits resulting in proposed standards on coal plant emissions that are weaker than China’s, claim the campaign group. New limits on air pollution in Europe have been watered down because governments are allowing some of the worst polluters to... ...

1112.Focus on green tech to tackle climate change, says UK’s climate adviser (2015-03-04)

( Environmental news )

... Sir David King says green technology deserves as much attention as being given to details of negotiations for Paris. Green technology should be as much a focus of tackling climate change as the United Nations negotiations leading up to a crunch conference in Paris this December, the UK’s top foreign office adviser on climate said... ...

1113.Air pollution will kill thousands in Europe, EEA warns (2015-03-03)

( Environmental news )

... EU environment watchdog blames governments for failing to act on air pollution warnings saying it will lead to premature deaths across the countries. Hundreds of thousands of Europeans will suffer a premature death in the next two decades as the result of governments’ failure to act on air pollution, Europe’s environmental watchdog has warned. In... ...

1114.Ed Davey announces £3m for ‘boilers on prescription’ scheme (2015-03-03)

( Environmental news )

... Plan to eventually roll out scheme across England to let GPs prescribe boilers, insulation and double glazing to fuel-poor patients . The UK government is preparing a national programme for doctors to prescribe boilers, insulation and double glazing to fuel-poor patients suffering from diseases exacerbated by cold homes. ...

1115.Members of €32bn Danish pension funds to vote on fossil fuel divestment (2015-03-02)

( Environmental news )

... Series of resolutions asks six of Denmark’s pension funds to drop their ‘black money’ investments in coal, oil and gas projects that cause climate change. Hundreds of thousands of academics, engineers and lawyers in Denmark are set to vote on divesting their €32bn (£23bn) pension funds from the fossil fuels that drive climate change. The... ...

1116.Global warming slowdown probably due to natural cycles, study finds (2015-02-27)

( Environmental news )

... Manmade warming in past decade has likely been offset by cooling from natural cycles in the Pacific and Atlantic – but effect will reverse in coming decades. Manmade global warming over the past decade has probably been partly offset by the cooling effect of natural variability in the Earth’s climate system, a team of climate... ...

1117.UK should be given power to regulate GM crops, MPs say (2015-02-26)

( Environmental news )

... Science and technology committee damns EU rules on authorisations for genentically-modified crops as politicised and unscientific. The UK should be handed the regulatory power to green light genetically-modified crops because the EU’s GM rules are politicised and unscientific, an influential committee of MPs have said. ...

1118.World’s first all-female patrol protecting South Africa’s rhinos (2015-02-26)

( Environmental news )

... Unarmed Black Mambas recruited from local communities are guarding nature reserve inside the Greater Kruger national par. The battle against the poaching that kills a rhino every seven hours in South Africa has acquired a new weapon: women. The Black Mambas are all young women from local communities, and they patrol inside the Greater Kruger... ...

1119.Shell shelves plan for tar sands project in face of low oil prices (2015-02-25)

( Environmental news )

... Shell has shelved plans for a major new tar sands mine in Canada, the largest project yet to fall victim to low oil prices. The company has withdrawn its application for the 200,000-barrel-per-day (bpd) Pierre River project and will instead concentrate on boosting the profitability of its existing 255,000-bpd oil sands operations. ...

1120.UK will need to import over half of its food within a generation, farmers warn (2015-02-24)

( Environmental news )

... Rising population will hit UK’s self sufficiency if government continues to ignore British food production, say NFU. More than half of the UK’s food will come from overseas within a generation, as a rising population and stalling farm productivity combine to erode what remains of the UK’s self-sufficiency, according to farming leaders. The UK’s failure... ...

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