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1131.The truth behind the wind power subsidies row (2015-02-16)

( Environmental news )

... Do claims in a recent IPPR report that 100 UK wind turbines are receiving unfair subsidies at a cost of £400m to consumers add up? Fiona Harvey investigates. ...

1132.Coastal communities dumping 8m tonnes of plastic in oceans every year (2015-02-13)

( Environmental news )

... China ranked top polluter as figures suggest total plastic litter ending up in the seas could rise tenfold by 2025. ...

1133.Out of the blue, on the edge of the world, killer whales converge to feast (2015-02-13)

( Environmental news )

... In the first of a series of special reports on extraordinary marine environments under threat, Guardian Australia’s ocean correspondent visits a ‘pinprick’ in the Southern Ocean where, once a year, a jaw-dropping wonder of nature takes place. ...

1134.UK threatens to hit back at Austria over Hinkley Point legal challenge (2015-02-12)

( Environmental news )

... UK ministers are warning their Austrian counterparts that an arsenal of retaliatory measures will be launched if Vienna goes ahead with plans to challenge an EU state aid decision approving subsidies for new nuclear reactors at Hinkley point in Somerset. A diplomatic cable from the Austrian embassy in London to Vienna, seen by the Guardian,... ...

1135.Fossil fuel lobby goes on the attack against divestment movement (2015-02-12)

( Environmental news )

... The speed at which the fossil fuel divestment campaign is growing seems to have rattled its opponents in the coal and oil lobbies ...

1136.Richard Branson leads call to free global economy from carbon emissions (2015-02-05)

( Environmental news )

... Prominent business leaders claim setting a net-zero emissions target for 2050 would push companies into reducing their reliance on fossil fuels. Governments should set a clear target of making the world’s economy free from carbon emissions by mid-century, Sir Richard Branson and a group of other prominent businesspeople have urged. ...

1137.Barrier Reef coral genetically altered in hope of surviving climate change (2015-02-04)

( Environmental news )

... Coral species from different climes being mixed as a form of ‘assisted evolution’ to see if it will help them adapt more quickly to rising sea temperatures. The Australian government’s marine research agency is looking to genetically alter species of coral to help them cope with rising sea temperatures, as new modelling showed the coverage... ...

1138.Conservationists v chainsaws: the RSPB’s battle to save an Indonesian rainforest (2015-02-04)

( Environmental news )

... In 2007 an RSPB-led group bought up a series of logged-out Indonesian forests to bring them back from the brink. But in a country that’s losing trees faster than any other and where farmers are desperate for land, it’s an uphill effort. Brad Sanders, an American forestry manager in Jambi province on the Indonesian island... ...

1139.14 of the 15 hottest years on record have occurred since 2000, UN says (2015-02-03)

( Environmental news )

... World Metereological Organisation’s analysis narrowly places 2014 as the hottest recorded since 1850, as global warming continues. Fourteen of the 15 hottest years on record have occurred since 2000, according to the UN World Meteorological Organisation, as rising carbon emissions continue to trap heat and drive climate change. ...

1140.British army brigadier says he is a scapegoat in Romanian forest scandal (2015-02-03)

( Environmental news )

... High-ranking official stands accused of colluding with criminals to illegally claim 43,000 hectares of forest land owned by the state. A high-ranking British army official has said he is an innocent scapegoat in a scandal over an alleged illegal land grab of a huge tract of Romanian forest. In a court hearing reported by Romanian... ...

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