P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

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1141.Australia tells UN it is acting with ‘renewed vigour’ on Great Barrier Reef (2015-02-02)

( Environmental news )

... Environment minister Greg Hunt argues Australia has heeded the alarm raised over the reef’s health and it should not be listed as ‘in danger’ by Unesco. The Australian government has told the UN it is acting with “renewed vigour” to halt the decline of the Great Barrier Reef in its official case arguing that the... ...

1142.First ever footage of African golden cat sheds light on species (2015-01-29)

( Environmental news )

... Camera trap film of one of the world’s most elusive cats shows the animal stalking a group of monkeys in Uganda Conservationists have recorded the first ever video of the African golden cat, the continent’s least-studied wild cat and one of the planet’s most elusive. In the footage, captured in Kibale national park in south... ...

1143.Yes, we can live well and avoid climate disaster, says UK government (2015-01-28)

( Environmental news )

... We can fly, drive and prosper while avoiding dangerous global warming – but only if billions remain in poverty and huge changes are made in areas such as energy and agriculture, new analysis from Decc’s Global Calculator shows The world can enjoy higher standards of living and more travel, while drastically cutting emissions to avoid... ...

1144.First step in plan to save northern white rhino (2015-01-28)

( Environmental news )

... Experts are pinning their hopes on in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) to save the northern white rhino from extinction. Just five of the animals remain on the planet, after two adult males died within months of each at the end of 2014. At a meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, on Tuesday, conservationists decided to harvest eggs from the... ...

1145.Tories forced into U-turn on fast-track fracking after accepting Labour plans (2015-01-27)

( Environmental news )

... Proposals ban drilling in national parks, areas of outstanding national beauty and areas of drinking water collection. The government made a major U-turn on plans to fast-track UK fracking on Monday after accepting Labour proposals to tighten environmental regulations. David Cameron had previously said the government was “going all out” for shale gas development, but... ...

1146.EPL, representatives of the ministries and scientists discussed environmental consequences of the war (video) (2015-01-26)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... On 22 January, in Kyiv, International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” (EPL) jointly with the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue held a round-table discussion “Military actions in Ukraine: risks and consequences for the environment and health” that gathered representatives of the state and experts who study consequences of the war in eastern Ukraine for the environment and human... ...

1147.George Osborne urges ministers to fast-track fracking measures in leaked letter (2015-01-26)

( Environmental news )

... Chancellor’s list of requests, including responding to ‘asks’ from Cuadrilla, laid out in letter to cabinet colleagues George Osborne has requested that ministers make dozens of interventions to fast-track fracking as a “personal priority”, including the delivery of numerous “asks” from shale gas company Cuadrilla. The list of requests are laid out in a leaked... ...

1148.UK nuclear ambitions dealt fatal blow by Austrian legal challenge, say Greens (2015-01-22)

( Environmental news )

... Lawyers say legal delays could prevent UK from realising its ambitions for new nuclear reactors at Hinkley Point C by 2023 Plans for a new generation of nuclear reactors in the UK have been dealt a fatal blow by Austria’s decision to launch a legal challenge to the EU’s approval of a £17.6bn subsidy deal,... ...

1149.Should tackling climate change trump protecting nature? (2015-01-20)

( Environmental news )

... Planners have given the green light for a solar farm at Rampisham Down, a SSSI in West Dorset. But stopping biodiversity loss is as important as stopping global warming. Does the need to mitigate the effects of man-made climate change override the need to protect nature? Climate change is with us, and is one of... ...

1150.GM crop vote was just the beginning of Europe’s biotech battle (2015-01-20)

( Environmental news )

... A recent EU vote allows states to cultivate GM crops, with the first expected to be grown in the UK in 2017, but big hurdles remain Scientists, politicians and activists expect the first commercially cultivated GM crops to be planted in England in 2017 after an EU vote for new GM crop rules last week,... ...

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