P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82


1151.Commercial bees threaten wild bees, say researchers (2015-01-19)

( Environmental news )

... The trade in bees used for honey or to pollinate crops could have a devastating impact on wild bees and other insects, say scientists. New measures are needed to stop diseases carried by commercial bees spilling over into the wild, says a University of Exeter team. Evidence suggests bees bred in captivity can carry diseases... ...

1152.UK’s shale gas revolution falls flat with just 11 new wells planned for 2015 (2015-01-19)

( Environmental news )

... Progress on fracking ‘glacially slow’ despite backing from prime minister and promise of generous tax breaks The UK government’s planned shale gas revolution has barely got out of the starting blocks with just 11 new exploratory wells for shale gas and oil due to be drilled this year even before the impact of plunging oil... ...

1153.Rate of sea-level rise ‘steeper’ (2015-01-15)

( Environmental news )

... The rate at which the global oceans have risen in the past two decades is more significant than previously recognised, say US-based scientists. Their reassessment of tide gauge data from 1900-1990 found that the world’s seas went up more slowly than earlier estimates – by about 1.2mm per year. But this makes the 3mm per... ...

1154.Scientists reveal which coral reefs can survive global warming (2015-01-15)

( Environmental news )

... Study shows for the first time which parts of the Great Barrier Reef and other reefs can be expected to bounce back from mass bleaching events ...

1155.‘Green’ biomass boilers may waste billions in public money (2015-01-14)

( Environmental news )

... Over £10bn could be paid in incentives for non-domestic biomass boilers despite a government study showing they are less efficient than thought and won’t help the UK meet clean energy targets. Billions of pounds of public money is to be spent supporting ‘green’ boilers, despite evidence from the government’s own experts and industry that they... ...

1156.High gold prices causing increased deforestation in South America, study finds (2015-01-14)

( Environmental news )

... Rising gold prices have made it profitable to extract lowgrade deposits lying beneath protected Amazon and other South American forests, says study of mining impacts. ...

1157.Iceland brewery makes beer using smoked whale testicles (2015-01-13)

( Environmental news )

... Icelandic brewery Stedji, which is producing the beer in time for the country’s mid-winter festival, Thorri, said the Hvalur 2 beer was made with the testicles of fin whales – which are classified as endangered on the conservation Red List – smoked in a “traditional way” with dried sheep dung. The move, which comes a... ...

1158.Poland’s shale gas revolution evaporates in face of environmental protests (2015-01-13)

( Environmental news )

... Fear and loathing stalk Poland’s shale fields, where a 400-day site occupation stopped a Chevron drill earlier this year. “Whenever Chevron organised anything, we demonstrated,” said Barbara Siegienczuk, 54, leader of the local anti-shale gas protest group Green Zurawlow in south-eastern Poland. “We made banners and placards and put posters up around the village. Only... ...

1159.Top 500 companies’ carbon emissions rise despite calls for cuts (2014-12-23)

( Environmental news )

... Report on world’s biggest 500 firms by capitalisation shows emissions are not in line with UN calls to avoid dangerous climate change Greenhouse gas emissions by the world’s top 500 companies rose 3.1% from 2010 to 2013, far off the cuts urged by the United Nations to limit global warming, a study showed on Monday.... ...

1160.Fishing quotas defy scientists’ advice (2014-12-18)

( Environmental news )

... EU decision to increase allowed catches in most areas good news for British fishermen, but conservationists are dismayed. Britain’s fishermen will be allowed to increase their catch of cod and other key fish species next year after late-night wrangling between EU ministers in Brussels resulted in a new set of fishing quotas that flout scientific... ...

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