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1161.Microplastic deposits found deep in world’s oceans and seas (2014-12-18)

( Environmental news )

... Study of 12 sites concludes that deep sea sediments are acting as a sink for substantial quantities tiny pieces of plastic Scientists believe they have solved the mystery of where tens of thousands of tonnes of missing tiny pieces of plastic are ending up – and the answer lies in the mud and sand on... ...

1162.EU under pressure to ban diclofenac to protect Europe’s vultures (2014-12-17)

( Environmental news )

... Pressure is mounting on Europe to immediately ban a drug used by vets which has been linked to the poisoning of vultures and other birds which feed on the corpses of cows treated with it. ...

1163.Europe’s record hot year made at least 35 times more likely by climate change, say scientists (2014-12-17)

( Environmental news )

... This year is on track to be the warmest ever recorded in Europe, and greenhouse gas emissions played a major role, according to new research. Scientists have analysed centuries of temperature records to conclude that this year’s warmth was made at least 35 times more likely because of climate change. In the UK, this year’s... ...

1164.Tropical rainforests not absorbing as much carbon as expected, scientists say (2014-12-16)

( Environmental news )

... Findings could indicate some forests are not helping mitigate effects of climate change by removing excess carbon dioxide from atmosphere. The increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not making trees in tropical forests grow faster, say scientists who have analysed over 1,100 individual trees from forests in Bolivia, Thailand and... ...

1165.Australia could increase emissions 26% and still meet Kyoto pledge, says climate group (2014-12-15)

( Environmental news )

... Anomaly due to carbon accounting rules, says Climate Action Tracker, as it accused Australia of going to ‘considerable diplomatic effort’ to ‘hide’ its true emissions levels Australia may be able to increase its industrial emissions by 26% by 2020 and still easily meet its Kyoto protocol targets, new analysis released at the Lima climate talks... ...

1166.Climate talks: summit chief warns ‘we need to work’ as deadline passes – as it happened (2014-12-15)

( Environmental news )

... Summary As negotiators haggle and night descends on Lima, we’re going to wind the blog down for now. Here’s a summary of the key events as talks ran into overtime. ...

1167.Green Climate Fund will get $200m from Australia after Tony Abbott’s about-turn (2014-12-11)

( Environmental news )

... Prime minister had previously disparaged the international fund designed to help poor countries adapt to climate change, and said Australia would not contribute. The federal government has pledged $200m over four years from its existing aid budget to the international Green Climate Fund, which Tony Abbott previously disparaged as a “Bob Brown bank on an... ...

1168.Full scale of plastic in the world’s oceans revealed for first time (2014-12-11)

( Environmental news )

... Over five trillion pieces of plastic are floating in our oceans says most comprehensive study to date on plastic pollution around the world. More than five trillion pieces of plastic, collectively weighing nearly 269,000 tonnes, are floating in the world’s oceans, causing damage throughout the food chain, new research has found. Data collected by scientists... ...

1169.The Amazon oil spills overlooked by environmental leaders in Lima (2014-12-10)

( Environmental news )

... As global environmental delegates gather in Peru for the UN climate talks, five oil spills in the country’s Amazon jungle are causing a hidden environmental disaster It is a disaster hidden from the environmental leaders gathered inside the walls of a military compound in Lima on a mission to fight climate change. ...

1170.Major deltas ‘could be drowned’ (2014-12-09)

( Environmental news )

... Sea-level rise and river engineering “spell disaster” for many of the world’s river deltas, say scientists. Half a billion people live in deltas, but the newly published research suggests many of these areas are set to be inundated by rising seas. Some of the lowest lying, including the Mekong and Mississippi, are particularly vulnerable. ...

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