P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82


1181.Cycling fashion: Mountain bikers get their own brand of chic (2014-12-01)

( Environmental news )

... While haute couture and cycling are certainly not strangers – check out Paul Smith’s recently launched range of road cycling kit – mountain biking is usually the neglected cousin. But a Scottish knitwear designer who caught the MTB bug three years ago is aiming to change all that. Alex Feechan has designed for Chanel, Calvin... ...

1182.EPL experts visited protected areas affected by the ATO (2014-11-29)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” organized examination of the most valuable protected areas of Donetsk region affected by military actions. The examination was conducted in the national natural park “Sviati hory”, the regional landscape park “Slovianskyi kurort” and the natural reserve “Kreydiana flora” located on the outskirts of Sloviansk town. The experts examined the scale of... ...

1183.We call for environmental protection for the sake of life (2014-11-27)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... On 21 September 2014, International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” (EPL) and Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW) at the international symposium “Human Rights and Environment in a New Ukraine” held in Lviv urged the world community of environmental lawyers to make efforts to stop military aggression in eastern Ukraine and stop devastation of environment in the zone... ...

1184.EU takes legal action against controversial French dam (2014-11-27)

( Environmental news )

... France has two months to justify ‘environmental deterioration’ involved in the Sivens dam project. The European commission has sent France a final notice to explain how it can reconcile EU environmental law with a proposed dam project that sparked riots, which claimed a protester’s life last month. Rémi Fraisse, a 21-year-old student, died after being... ...

1185.Reflecting sunlight into space has terrifying consequences, say scientists (2014-11-27)

( Environmental news )

... Fighting global warming by reflecting sunlight back into space risks “terrifying” consequences including droughts and conflicts, according to three major new analyses of the promise and perils of geoengineering. But research into deliberately interfering with the climate system must continue in search of technology to use as a last resort in combating climate change, scientists... ...

1186.Antarctic ice thicker than previously thought, study finds (2014-11-25)

( Environmental news )

... Groundbreaking 3D mapping of previously inaccessible areas of the Antarctic has found that the sea ice fringing the vast continent is thicker than previous thought. Two expeditions to Antarctica by scientists from the UK, USA and Australia analysed an area of ice spanning 500,000 metres squared, using a robot known as SeaBed. ...

1187.Global importance of urban agriculture ‘underestimated’ (2014-11-25)

( Environmental news )

... Urban agriculture is playing an increasingly important role in global food security, a study has suggested. Researchers, using satellite data, found that agricultural activities within 20km of urban areas occupy an area equivalent to the 28-nation EU. The international team of scientists says the results should challenge the focus on rural areas of agricultural research... ...

1188.Environmentalists created a map of protected areas affected by the war (2014-11-24)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... Experts of International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” (EPL) made a study of protected areas affected by military actions in eastern Ukraine. Currently there are 33 of such areas in Donetsk, Luhansk and Kharkiv regions. “It is easy to imagine a forest on fire or shell-holes in protected steppes. However, negative impacts caused by war to the... ...

1189.World bank to focus future investment on clean energy (2014-11-24)

( Environmental news )

... World Bank will only fund coal projects in cases of ‘extreme need’ due to the risk climate change poses to ending world poverty, says Jim Yong Kim. The World Bank will invest heavily in clean energy and only fund coal projects in “circumstances of extreme need” because climate change will undermine efforts to eliminate extreme... ...

1190.CO2 emissions must be zero by 2070 to prevent climate disaster, UN says (2014-11-20)

( Environmental news )

... Negative emissions’ are needed globally by second half of century to stave off dangerous climate change, say UN scientists Global emissions of CO2 must fall to zero by 2070 to prevent a 2c rise in temperatures above pre-industrial levels, says Unep report Photograph: Luke Sharrett/Getty Images ...

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