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1191.Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise detained in Spain (2014-11-20)

( Environmental news )

... Greenpeace ship taken into Spanish custody after oil protest in waters off of the Canary Islands, six months after being released by the Russian government Greenpeace activists hold banners reading ‘No Oil Exploration, Yes To Renewables’ off the coast of the Canary Islands, where Repsol oil company plans to drill. Photograph: Arturo Rodríguez/Greenpeace ...

1192.Local authority flood defence funding cut by a third next year (2014-11-20)

( Environmental news )

... New cuts to councils’ flood budgets in England will leave them under-resourced and ill-prepared, say community groups Labour and community groups say the government is going backwards on flood risk management after ministers made cuts of a third to this year’s local authority flood budgets. (Photo by Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images) Photograph: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images ...

1193.EU court rules UK government must clean up dangerous air pollution (2014-11-20)

( Environmental news )

... UK government must urgently improve air quality in British cities following a landmark case that could see more vehicles restricted from city centres A landmark case will allow people to sue the government for breaching EU pollution laws and will force ministers to prepare plans for many cities to improve air quality. Photograph: Leon Neal/AFP/Getty... ...

1194.Overhaul in tropical forest research needed (2014-11-18)

( Environmental news )

... New work from a team led by Carnegie’s Greg Asner shows the limitations of long-used research methods in tropical rainforest ecology and points to new technological approaches for understanding forest structures and systems on large geographic scales. When forests grow, they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and store the carbon in plant branches, trunks,... ...

1195.ScienceDaily: Your source for the latest research news Featured Research from universities, journals, and other organizations Ten ways remote sensing can contribute to conservation (2014-11-18)

( Environmental news )

... Scientists from the WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society), NASA, and other organizations have partnered to focus global attention on the contribution of satellites to biodiversity conservation in a recently released study entitled “Ten Ways Remote Sensing Can Contribute to Conservation,” featured in the latest edition of the scientific journal Conservation Biology. Addressing global questions requires global... ...

1196.How to make old homes energy efficient (2014-11-18)

( Environmental news )

... Green deal is inappropriate for Britain’s 5m historic homes, so what’s the best way to stop them leaking energy? John Vidal gets expert advice for his Grade II listed home John Vidal’s home in north Wales is a 350-year-old half-timbered industrial workers’ cottage. Photograph: theguardian.com ...

1197.Rich countries ‘backsliding’ on climate finance (2014-11-18)

( Environmental news )

... $10bn pledged for Green Climate Fund to help countries cope with global warming falls short of original commitment, say UN observers Bangladesh is among the countries where climate change is already a reality and millions of people affected by rising sea level and floods. Photograph: Nayan Kumar/Demotix/Corbis ...

1198.Heathrow and Gatwick expansion plans more costly than airports claim (2014-11-11)

( Environmental news )

... A plane lands at Gatwick airport. Analysis says its expansion plans would cause less noise and be easier to construct than Heathrow’s. Photograph: Gareth Fuller/PA New runways at Gatwick and Heathrow will cost more than the airports claim, meaning higher airport charges and likely higher fares for passengers, according to an analysis published by the... ...

1199.Rich countries subsidising oil, gas and coal companies by $88bn a year (2014-11-11)

( Environmental news )

... Rich countries are subsidising oil, gas and coal companies by about $88bn (£55.4bn) a year to explore for new reserves, despite evidence that most fossil fuels must be left in the ground if the world is to avoid dangerous climate change. The most detailed breakdown yet of global fossil fuel subsidies has found that the... ...

1200.Iron fertilization less efficient for deep-sea carbon dioxide storage than previously thought? (2014-11-11)

( Environmental news )

... The Southern Ocean plays an important role in the exchange of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the ocean. One aspect of this is the growth of phytoplankton, which acts as a natural sponge for carbon dioxide, drawing the troublesome greenhouse gas from the atmosphere into the sea. When these plankton die they can sink... ...

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