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1221.Global warming has doubled risk of harsh winters in Eurasia, research finds (2014-10-27)

( Environmental news )

... The risk of severe winters in Europe and northern Asia has been doubled by global warming, according to new research. The counter-intuitive finding is the result of climate change melting the Arctic ice cap and causing new wind patterns that push freezing air and snow southwards. Severe winters over the last decade have been associated... ...

1222.Government urged to tackle stalled recycling rates in England (2014-10-22)

( Environmental news )

... More political action is needed to reduce waste and improve recycling rates to meet EU targets by 2020, says report by MPs Ministers have stepped back from efforts to encourage people to recycle their rubbish just as growth in recycling rates in England has reached a plateau, MPs have said. Householders are still confused over... ...

1223.Are solar farms really hitting British food production? (2014-10-22)

( Environmental news )

... The environment secretary, Liz Truss, has stripped farmers of subsidies for solar farms, saying they are a “blight” that was pushing food production overseas. But the new minister has fundamentally misunderstood the way solar farms operate, according to the solar industry and farmers. Truss revealed on Monday new rules on payments under the Common Agriculture... ...

1224.Australia Seeks to Reduce Renewable Energy Target to ‘Real’ 20% (2014-10-22)

( Environmental news )

... Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s government will negotiate with the opposition to cut Australia’s renewable energy target and exempt industries such as aluminum and copper smelting. Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane said he was “reasonably confident” the target would be reduced from the current 41,000 gigawatt hours of electricity from renewable projects to between 26,000 and 28,000.... ...

1225.2014 on track to be hottest year on record, says US science agency (2014-10-21)

( Environmental news )

... Global average temperatures in September were highest ever, following warmest year to date since 1998 The world is on course for this to be the hottest year ever, with global land and sea temperatures for September the highest ever recorded for the month, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said on Monday. ...

1226.Antarctic conference to vote on huge marine parks amid strained relations (2014-10-20)

( Environmental news )

... Meeting of 25 nations, including Russia and Ukraine, in Hobart will consider proposals on the future of Antarctic research and marine protection. Tense international relations could sway the outcome of vital research and protection proposals for the Antarctic, the head of a global meeting of scientists says. Russia and China are among 25 delegate nations... ...

1227.Scottish shops start charging for bags (2014-10-20)

( Environmental news )

... Scotland is joining Wales and Northern Ireland in charging shoppers for carrier bags , in an attempt to encourage sustainable behaviour among shoppers. Last year, shoppers at Scotland’s main supermarket chains alone used 800m single-use bags, most of which end up as litter, landfill or polluting the country’s marine and natural environments. ...

1228.Britain’s migrating birds are drastically declining, RSPB says (2014-10-16)

( Environmental news )

... Fewer birds, including nightingales and cuckoos, are migrating between Europe and Africa due to combined factors of habitat loss, hunting and climate change. Bird populations that make the great journey between northern Europe and Africa – including the nightingale and turtle dove – are drastically declining, conservationists have warned. ...

1229.Europe needs to fix or ditch its emissions trading scheme (2014-10-16)

( Environmental news )

... Without a complete overhaul, this flawed policy needs to be scrapped to make way for more effective means of meeting proposed 40% cuts in carbon emissions by 2030 If leaks are to be believed, when European council members meet next week, they will agree a headline target of a 40% cut in greenhouse gases by... ...

1230.Italy pushes ahead with ‘next generation’ biofuels from waste (2014-10-15)

( Environmental news )

... Italy will become the first country in Europe to legally require “advanced biofuels” in cars and trucks, the BBC has learned. Made from waste, the new fuels are said to reduce the amount of land taken out of food production. The world’s first commercial scale plant making fuel from straw opened in Italy last year. ...

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