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1231.Activists use GPS to track illegal loggers in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest (2014-10-15)

( Environmental news )

... Covert GPS surveillance of timber trucks by Amazon campaigners has revealed how loggers are defeating attempts to halt deforestation in the world’s greatest rainforest. Raids by law enforcement officers are expected early on Wednesday morning, acting on the evidence handed to them by Greenpeace Brazil. ...

1232.Mining companies lobby G20 leaders to back coal as future of energy (2014-10-14)

( Environmental news )

... Mining companies are campaigning for the G20 leaders’ meeting to support continued use of coal as a solution to the global “energy poverty” crisis, as Australia resists the inclusion of climate change on the formal agenda. Peabody – the world’s largest private coal miner – has launched an online campaign titled the “Lights On” project... ...

1233.Climate change: Models ‘underplay plant CO2 absorption’ (2014-10-14)

( Environmental news )

... Global climate models have underestimated the amount of CO2 being absorbed by plants, according to new research. Scientists say that between 1901 and 2010, living things absorbed 16% more of the gas than previously thought. The authors say it explains why models consistently overestimated the growth rate of carbon in the atmosphere. ...

1234.Renting a bike from a cyclist is a cheap way to see New York (2014-10-13)

( Environmental news )

... “Rent a bike from someone like you” runs the tagline on Spinlister, an appropriately streamlined website and app that seeks to do for underused bicycles (and snowboards and surfboards) what Airbnb has done for spare rooms the world over. Spinlister allows renters to browse a map (of New York in my case) and access pictures... ...

1235.EPL: 17% of vegetation cover in the ATO zone is damaged by fires (infographics) (2014-10-13)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... These are findings of experts of the International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” (EPL) who studied the ATO zone using MODIS2 data and Scanex technology3. The research is continuation of EPL’s work in the field of analysis of consequences of military actions for the environment in the ATO zone. Military actions are powerful factors of impact on... ...

1236.Satellite data shows surprising methane hotspot in US southwest (2014-10-10)

( Environmental news )

... A surprising hotspot of the potent global warming gas methane hovers over part of the southwestern US, according to satellite data. That result hints that the US Environmental Protection Agency and other agencies considerably underestimate leaks of methane, which is also called natural gas. The higher level of methane is not a local safety or... ...

1237.China pollution levels hit 20 times safe levels (2014-10-10)

( Environmental news )

... Days of heavy smog shrouding swathes of northern China pushed pollution to more than 20 times safe levels on Friday, despite government promises to tackle environmental blight. Visibility dropped dramatically as measures of small pollutant particles known as PM2.5, which can embed themselves deep in the lungs, reached more than 500 micrograms per cubic metre... ...

1238.Glasgow University to sell its fossil fuel investments (2014-10-09)

( Environmental news )

... Glasgow University has become the first in the UK to announce that it will sell off the shares it holds in companies that produce fossil fuels. A spokesman said the university recognised the “devastating impact” that climate change could have and the “need to reduce the world’s dependence on fossil fuels”. The university is withdrawing... ...

1239.Lego ends Shell partnership following Greenpeace campaign (2014-10-09)

( Environmental news )

... Lego will not renew its marketing contract with Shell after coming under sustained pressure from Greenpeace to end a partnership that dates to the 1960s. The environmental campaign group, protesting about the oil giant’s plans to drill in the Arctic, had targeted the world’s biggest toy maker with a YouTube video that attracted nearly 6m... ...

1240.Naomi Klein: UK fracking trespass law flouts democratic rights (2014-10-08)

( Environmental news )

... Ministers’ rewriting of the law to allow fracking to happen beneath people’s homes without their permission flouts basic democratic rights, according to Naomi Klein. The author and activist said that the UK government’s changes to trespass laws, to speed up the ability for shale gas companies to frack beneath landowners’ property, was energising resistance to... ...

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