P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82


1241.EU scraps plan to label tar sands oil as highly polluting (2014-10-08)

( Environmental news )

... The European Commission on Tuesday proposed scrapping a mandatory requirement to label tar sands oil as highly polluting after years of industry opposition. The new proposal abandons one obstacle to Canada shipping crude from tar sands to Europe and is likely to draw strong criticism from environmental campaigners and Green politicians. It is suggested in... ...

1242.US east coast cities face frequent flooding due to climate change (2014-10-08)

( Environmental news )

... Dozens of America’s east coast cities face routine tidal flooding under climate change, researchers said on Wednesday. Miami – where the habitues of South Beach are used to sloshing through water at high tide – will deploy new pumps this week to hold back the waters of the King Tides, the highest annual high tides,... ...

1243.UN biodiversity report highlights failure to meet conservation targets (2014-10-07)

( Environmental news )

... Іnternational efforts to meet targets to stem the loss of wildlife and habitats are failing miserably, according to a UN report. The Global Biodiversity Outlook 4, published as nearly 200 countries meet on Monday in South Korea in a bid to tackle biodiversity loss, paints a damning picture of governments’ efforts to meet a set... ...

1244.Environment Energy efficiency Tougher energy efficiency target would boost UK economy by £62bn – study (2014-10-07)

( Environmental news )

... A 40% cut in energy use by 2030 through efficiency measures would increase the UK’s GDP by £62bn and create 40,000 new jobs, according to unpublished EU figures. Hitting a lower target of 30% would create 13,000 jobs and boost the economy by £17.3bn, says the study by independent consultancy Cambridge Econometrics, obtained by WWF... ...

1245.Nobel laureates call for a revolutionary shift in how humans use resources (2014-10-07)

( Environmental news )

... Eleven Nobel laureates will pool their clout to sound a warning, declaring that mankind is living beyond its means and darkening its future. At a conference in Hong Kong coinciding with the annual Nobel awards season, holders of the prestigious prize will plead for a revolution in how humans live, work and travel. Only by... ...

1246.Because of shelling of Shchastia town the concentration of hazardous substances has considerably increased (2014-10-07)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... The research conducted by experts of International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” revealed that as a result of shelling of Shchastia town the concentrations of hazardous substances have considerably increased. Indicators for certain pollutants in the air have substantially exceeded maximum permissible concentrations.   ...

1247.South Africa’s Kruger National Park invites bids for 500 white rhinos (2014-10-06)

( Environmental news )

... South Africa’s Kruger National Park is inviting bids for rhinos under a plan to move 500 of the animals to safety to counter a wave of poaching for their horns, highly prized in some Asian countries as a sign of wealth. In newspaper adverts on Sunday, South African National Parks invited potential buyers to “make... ...

1248.Canada switches on world’s first carbon capture power plant (2014-10-02)

( Environmental news )

... Canada has switched on the first large-scale coal-fired power plant fitted with a technology that proponents say enables the burning of fossil fuels without tipping the world into a climate catastrophe. The project, the first commercial-scale plant equipped with carbon capture and storage technology, was held up by the coal industry as a real life... ...

1249.Sharks can be ‘social or solitary’ (2014-10-02)

( Environmental news )

... The most feared predators in the sea have individual personalities that affect how readily they socialise, according to a study by UK scientists. Individual sharks, studied in groups of ten, showed consistent social habits – either forming groups with other sharks or finding camouflage on their own. When a group was shifted into a new... ...

1250.Cotton production linked to images of the dried up Aral Sea basin (2014-10-02)

( Environmental news )

... What do the catwalks of Paris have to do with 25,000 miles of exposed sea bed thousands of miles to the east? While all eyes have been fixed on designer collections and members of the front row, the true cost of the fashion industry has been revealed in a shock announcement by NASA that the... ...

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