P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

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1251.India will be renewables superpower, says energy minister (2014-10-01)

( Environmental news )

... India will be a “renewables superpower” according to its new energy minister, but its coal-fired electricity generation will also undergo “very rapid” expansion. However, Piyush Goyal dismissed criticism of the impact of India’s coal rush on climate change , as western governments giving “homilies and pontificating, having enjoyed themselves the fruits of ruining the environment... ...

1252.Earth lost 50% of its wildlife in the past 40 years, says WWF (2014-09-30)

( Environmental news )

... The number of wild animals on Earth has halved in the past 40 years, according to a new analysis. Creatures across land, rivers and the seas are being decimated as humans kill them for food in unsustainable numbers, while polluting or destroying their habitats, the research by scientists at WWF and the Zoological Society of... ...

1253.Living Planet index: Australia ranked 13 by WWF for ecological footprint (2014-09-30)

( Environmental news )

... Australians require a huge ecological “footprint” in order to sustain their lifestyles, with just 12 nations in the world using up more arable land and carbon-burning generation, according to new figures. WWF’s Living Planet Index, which is conducted once every two years, has found that Australia requires 6.25 global hectares per person per year. A... ...

1254.Greenhouse gases made hottest year on record ‘2,000 times more likely’ (2014-09-30)

( Environmental news )

... Australia’s hottest year on record in 2013 would’ve been “virtually impossible” without human-driven climate change, with the record temperatures made 2,000 times more likely due to greenhouse gases, research has found. Four separate research papers into last year’s record heat have identified a distinctive human “fingerprint” on the series of highs, which included Australia’s hottest... ...

1255.Floods, forest fires, expanding deserts: the future has arrived (2014-09-29)

( Environmental news )

... Climate change is no longer viewed by mainstream scientists as a future threat to our planet and our species. It is a palpable phenomenon that already affects the world, they insist. And a brief look round the globe certainly provides no lack of evidence to support this gloomy assertion. In Bangladesh, increasingly severe floods –... ...

1256.Solar power could be world’s top electricity source by 2050, says IEA (2014-09-29)

( Environmental news )

... Solar energy could be the top source of electricity by 2050, aided by plummeting costs of the equipment to generate it, a report from the International Energy Agency (IEA), the West’s energy watchdog, said on Monday. IEA Reports said solar photovoltaic (PV) systems could generate up to 16% of the world’s electricity by 2050, while... ...

1257.The research performed by International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” (EPL) showed that there were about 3000 fires in the territory of the antiterrorist operation (ATO) (2014-09-29)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... This is 20 times as much as in the same period of the previous year. The research was performed using the earthdata of the distant system of earth survey MODIS (NASA). It covered all cases of vegetation burning and fires on residential areas in the period from June until September 2014. The majority of burnings... ...

1258.On 20-21 September 2014, Lviv hosted an international symposium “Human Rights and Environment in a New Ukraine: In Honor of Prof. Svitlana Kravchenko” (2014-09-26)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... Press-release The event is unique for Ukraine because for the first time in history of independence of this country it gathered leading environmental lawyers from all over the world who form environmental policy and environmental law in such countries as the USA, Canada, Poland, Sweden, Spain, Germany, Hungary, Georgia, Armenia, Mexico, Moldova, Belarus. Participants of... ...

1259.Nelson Mandela’s widow calls for urgent climate action at UN (2014-09-25)

( Environmental news )

... The widow of Nelson Mandela punctured the self-congratulatory mood of the UN summit on Tuesday, saying world leaders had failed to rise to the challenge of climate change. “There is a huge mismatch between the magnitude of the challenge and the response we heard here today,” Graça Machel told the closing moments of the summit.... ...

1260.Barrier reef dredging: green groups win more time for court challenge (2014-09-25)

( Environmental news )

... Green groups have won more time for a court challenge to plans to dump dredge spoil from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park on land. The federal government last year approved a plan to have three million cubic metres of spoil dumped in the marine park boundaries in north Queensland, but following a public backlash... ...

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