P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82


1261.Elephant killings in Mozambique happening on ‘industrialised’ scale (2014-09-24)

( Environmental news )

... Elephant poaching is happening on an unprecedented and “industrialised” scale in Mozambique, environmentalists have warned, after 22 of the animals were killed for their tusks in the first two weeks of September. The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) said organised crime syndicates are slaughtering between 1,500 and 1,800 elephants a year in the southern African country,... ...

1262.UN climate summit: China pledges emissions action (2014-09-24)

( Environmental news )

... China has pledged for the first time to take firm action on climate change, telling a UN summit that its emissions, the world’s highest, would soon peak. Vice-Premier Zhang Gaoli also said China would make its economy much more carbon efficient by 2020. US President Barack Obama said climate change was moving faster than efforts... ...

1263.Liberia signs ‘transformational’ deal to stem deforestation (2014-09-23)

( Environmental news )

... Liberia is to become the first nation in Africa to completely stop cutting down its trees in return for development aid. Norway will pay the impoverished west African country 150 million dollars to stop deforestation by 2020. There have been fears that the ebola crisis would see increased logging in a country desperate for cash. ...

1264.China’s per capita carbon emissions overtake EU’s (2014-09-23)

( Environmental news )

... New data on carbon shows that China’s emissions per head of population have surpassed the EU for the first time. The researchers say that India is also forecast to beat Europe’s CO2 output in 2019. Scientists say that global totals are increasing fast and will likely exceed the limit for dangerous climate change within 30... ...

1265.Joint Statement of Practicing Lawyers and Academicians on Peace and the Environment in Ukraine (2014-09-23)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... Peace, development and environmental protection are interdependent and indivisible.                           Principle 25, Rio Declaration on Environment and Development In Lviv, Ukraine on September 2014, representatives of 13 countries gathered at the international symposium “Human Rights and Environment in a New Ukraine: in Honor... ...

1266.Human Rights and Environment for a New Ukraine (2014-09-10)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... Press-anons On 20-21 September 2014, Lviv will host an international symposium “Human Rights and Environment in a New Ukraine: In Honor of Prof. Svitlana Kravchenko”. Environmental law cannot be treated separately whether through policy options, legislation or judicial doctrine in cases. Law in the field of human rights cannot be alienated from care about life... ...

1267.Radio program «Humane treatment of homeless animals» (2014-09-02)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... Announcement Environment-People-Law (EPL) has initiated a radio broadcast on “Humane treatment of homeless animals” which will be held on the Lviv station “Independence” at 14.00 hrs, 04.09.2014. During the study of the theme about the homeless animals, lawyers of EPL had found many problematic issues, the most crucial of them are creating  shelters, catching animals,... ...

1268.Confidentiality of information on concluded international agreements: protect the interests of one of the party or creation the corruption scheme? (2014-07-25)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... On October 19, 2009 Ukraine and Japan signed an agreement about selling quotas on greenhouse gas emissions. EPL requested information from the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine(CMU) and from the National Environmental Investment Agency of Ukraine(NEIA) about such agreement, about the amount of money, received from this agreement, and about the areas where they will be spent.... ...

1269.Ein Zeichen setzen gegen Braunkohleausbau: Mitmachen bei der Menschenkette in der Lausitz (2014-07-23)

( Environmental news )

... Vier der fünf schmutzigsten Braunkohlekraftwerke in Europa stehen in Deutschland. Zwei davon in der Lausitz, wo in den nächsten Jahren weitere Braunkohletagebaue erschlossen und Dörfer dafür weichen sollen. Ähnliches geschieht jenseits der Grenze in Polen. Braunkohleabbau in der Lausitz @ iStock/Getty Images ...

1270.PRESS RELEASE: Opponents to enforce shutdown of tar sands mine today (2014-07-23)

( Environmental news )

... Opponents to enforce shutdown of tar sands mine today PR SPRINGS, Utah–About 80 climate justice land defenders right now are using their bodies to halt construction of a tar sands strip mine in the Book Cliffs of Utah. The action is the culmination of a week-long direct action training camp within 2 miles of the... ...

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