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1281. (2014-02-24)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

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1282.EPL Statement (2014-02-18)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... International charitable organization Environment-People-Law is seriously concerned about attempts to put pressure on International Renaissance Foundation and other civil society organizations. We found out about facts of hindrances that organizations face in making financial transactions and also repressions on organizations caused by tax agencies and police. All these absolutely unlawful actions are aimed at interfering... ...

1283.Greenland glacier hits record speed (2014-02-05)

( Environmental news )

... A river of ice in Greenland has become the fastest-flowing glacier currently known in the world, a study suggests. In summer, the Jakobshavn Glacier – widely thought to have spawned the iceberg that sank the Titanic – is moving about four times faster than it was in the 1990s. The Greenland Ice Sheet has seen... ...

1284.Deer ‘pose biggest threat’ to Scotland’s native woodlands (2014-02-05)

( Environmental news )

... Deer represent the biggest threat to Scotland’s native woodlands, according to an eight-year study by Forestry Commission scientists. The publication of the Native Woodland Survey of Scotland has renewed debate over whether to cull deer. Researchers said ancient woodland was being lost due to “excessive browsing and grazing”, mainly by deer. ...

1285.Rivers run dry as claims of illegality surround Romania’s hydropower boom (2014-02-05)

( Environmental news )

... Deep into the wilderness of  Romania’s Southern Carpathian mountains, Bogdan Binescu, an avid angler and environmental campaigner, stops by the white waters of a mountain stream. “This river used to be the only route back to civilisation,” he says. “But now civilisation has caught up.” A few kilometres on, his meaning becomes clear. Where beech... ...

1286.US retreats from bid to overturn shark fin bans (2014-02-05)

( Environmental news )

... The US federal government has stepped back from its plans to overturn state bans on the sale and possession of shark fins. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) said in a statement on Tuesday it had decided against challenging state bans in California, Maryland and Washington. The agency said it had received written assurances... ...

1287.Wind power blows Denmark output above 50% (2014-02-05)

( Environmental news )

... Wind power accounted for more than half of all energy consumed in Denmark in December, according to national grid operator. Energinet reported that in December, wind power provided Denmark with about 55 per cent of its electricity. http://econews.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Denmark-wind-farm.jpgThis is the first time that Denmark, a leader in wind power, or any major country, has received... ...

1288.Lagarde: cooperation on climate ‘non-negotiable’ (2014-02-05)

( Environmental news )

... International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde has called on governments to build a “new multilateralism” because no country could stand alone on climate change and inequality. She said such action should include cities and companies in an effort to address challenges such as widening income disparity. http://econews.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/climate-change-2.jpgBloomberg newsagency reports Ms Lagarde, a former French... ...

1289.Alaska’s Arctic icy lakes lose thickness (2014-02-04)

( Environmental news )

... The ubiquitous shallow icy lakes that dominate Alaska’s Arctic coastal plain have undergone a significant change in recent decades. These lakes, many of which are no more than 3m deep, melt earlier in the season and retain open water conditions for much longer. And 20 years of satellite radar also now show that far fewer... ...

1290.Heat-related deaths will rise 257% by 2050 because of climate change (2014-02-04)

( Environmental news )

... Deaths as a result of hot weather are to soar over the next four decades as a result of climate change, researchers have predicted. The number of annual deaths in the UK that occur as a result of the heat will rise by 257% by 2050, they said. Elderly people are most at risk, according... ...

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