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1291.Australia to investigate claim Japanese whalers rammed Sea Shepherd ship (2014-02-03)

( Environmental news )

... The federal environment minister, Greg Hunt, has ordered an investigation into claims a Japanese whaling fleet rammed one of activist group Sea Shepherd’s vessels. The anti-whaling group says its ship the Bob Barker was deliberately struck by the Yushin Maru No 2 early on Sunday, in retaliation for the Sea Shepherd preventing any whales from... ...

1292.Pro-green Tories challenge party’s climate change sceptics (2014-02-03)

( Environmental news )

... A group of modernising pro-green Tories will today launch a fight-back within the party when they publish a manifesto outlining plans for a £5bn-a-year boost in economic growth, creating 300,000 jobs, by pursuing environmentally friendly policies. In a sign of their determination to challenge Tory climate-change sceptics after a leading minister said that David Cameron was... ...

1293.Monarch Butterfly 2013 Migration Smallest on Record (2014-02-03)

( Environmental news )

... Monarch butterflies are vanishing from the Monarch Reserve in Mexico’s temperate forest where they spend November through March hibernating after migrating more than 2,500 miles from Canada and the United States. As new research shows that the number of monarchs hibernating in Mexico reached an all-time low in 2013, conservationists are urging all three countries... ...

1294.UN: Human cause of global warming near certainty (2014-02-03)

( Environmental news )

... Global warming is unequivocal, human influence has been the dominant cause since the mid-20th century, and atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, already at levels not seen in at least 800,000 years, will persist for many centuries. The United Nations says all those warnings are contained in the final version of its latest report on climate... ...

1295.Fossil fuel divestment gathers pace (2014-02-03)

( Environmental news )

... As both the World Bank and United Nations chiefs strengthen calls for divestment from “high carbon” assets, more than a dozen foundations representing more than $2 billion in assets said they would stop investing in fossil fuel companies. The Divest-Invest Philanthropy coalition includes foundations, such as the Park Foundation, the John Merck Fund and the... ...

1296.Climate change is ‘killing Argentina’s Magellanic penguin chicks’ (2014-01-30)

( Environmental news )

... Penguin chicks in Argentina are dying as a direct consequence of climate change, according to new research. Drenching rainstorms and extreme heat are killing the young birds in significant numbers. The study, conducted over 27 years, looked at climate impacts on the world’s biggest colony of Magellanic penguins, which live on the arid Punta Tombo... ...

1297.Obama pledges strong climate action in State of Union address (2014-01-29)

( Environmental news )

... During his annual State of the Union speech the United State President Barack Obama has again pointed to the many different ways he would use the executive branch to pursue strong action on climate change. President Obama has previously told the US Congress that if it does not act on climate change then he will... ...

1298.EU power market moves at odds with green targets (2014-01-29)

( Environmental news )

... The study, based on reports by leading European energy academics, said Europe must decide on the trade-offs between affordability, sustainability and security on setting its energy policy. http://econews.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/europe-wind-biofuel.jpg“This is an ambitious policy that has not reached its targets,” said Jean Pisani-Ferry, head of the French prime minister’s policy planning unit, CGSP. ...

1299.Scientists: halt Abbot Point coal port expansion (2014-01-29)

( Environmental news )

... More than 200 scientists have urged the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, responsible for the World Heritage listed area, to reject a major port expansion in north Queensland. In December, the Environment Minister in Australia’s conservative Liberal-National government, Greg Hunt, gave the go-ahead to the Abbot Point coal terminal expansion at Bowen in north... ...

1300.True greens should embrace fracking, says minister (2014-01-28)

( Environmental news )

... True greens should embrace fracking for shale gas in order to combat climate change, the energy minister has said. Greg Barker said ideological convictions rather than sound science motivated anti-fracking campaigners, and urged an expansion of fracking in the UK. “If you are really against climate change, then to be anti-fracking is incredibly dangerous,” he... ...

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