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1311.Trees accelerate growth as they get older and bigger, study finds (2014-01-16)

( Environmental news )

... Most living things reach a certain age and then stop growing, but trees accelerate their growth as they get older and bigger, a global study has found. The findings, reported by an international team of 38 researchers in the journal Nature, overturn the assumption that old trees are less productive. It could have important implications... ...

1312.Beijing has worst smog in a year (2014-01-16)

( Environmental news )

... Beijing’s skyscrapers receded into a dense gray smog on Thursday as the capital suffered the season’s first wave of extremely dangerous pollution, with the concentration of toxic small particles registering more than two dozen times the level considered safe. The air took on an acrid odour and many of the city’s commuters wore industrial strength... ...

1313.Global investment in clean energy falls for second year running (2014-01-16)

( Environmental news )

... Global investment in clean energy fell for the second year in a row to $254bn last year, with green investment in Europe crashing by 41%, new figures showed on Wednesday. The drop casts a pall over a high-profile investor summit at the United Nations on Wednesday. The summit, organised by the Ceres investor network, was... ...

1314.Pine Island Glacier’s retreat ‘irreversible’ (2014-01-15)

( Environmental news )

... Antarctica’s mighty Pine Island Glacier (PIG) is now very probably in a headlong, self-sustaining retreat. This is the conclusion of three teams that have modelled its behaviour. Even if the region were to experience much colder conditions, the retreat would continue, the teams tell the journal Nature Climate Change. ...

1315.UN climate chief calls for tripling of clean energy investment (2014-01-15)

( Environmental news )

... The United Nations climate chief has urged global financial institutions to triple their investments in clean energy to reach the $1 trillion a year mark that would help avert a climate catastrophe. In an interview with the Guardian, the UN’s Christiana Figueres urged institutions to begin building the foundations of a clean energy economy by... ...

1316.Scientists fit honey bees with tiny sensors to study decline of colonies (2014-01-15)

( Environmental news )

... Thousands of Australian honey bees have been fitted with tiny sensors in a study to help understand what is causing the precipitous collapse of colonies around the world. About 5,000 bees will carry the 2.5mm x 2.5mm sensors, like hi-tech backpacks, for the next two months at the study site in Hobart. The CSIRO-led research... ...

1317.Fishing in marine parks: NSW premier urged to maintain sanctuaries (2014-01-14)

( Environmental news )

... Hundreds of marine scientists are urging the New South Wales government to avoid taking a “backwards step” by allowing fishing in once-protected marine parks. A petition, signed by 222 scientists from Australia and abroad, asks the premier, Barry O’Farrell, to keep sanctuary zones free from fishing. Sanctuary zones are areas within marine parks where fishing... ...

1318.Fracking in the UK: ‘We’re going all out for shale,’ admits Cameron (2014-01-14)

( Environmental news )

... David Cameron is to declarethat his government is “going all out for shale” as he announces that councils will be entitled to keep 100% of business rates raised from fracking sites in a deal expected to generate millions of pounds for local authorities. In a renewed attempt to win support for the controversial expansion of... ...

1319.Seashell Loss Due to Tourism Increase May Have Global Impact (2014-01-14)

( Environmental news )

... Appearing in the journal PLOS ONE on Wednesday (Jan. 8), the new study by researchers from the Florida Museum of Natural History on the UF campus and the University of Barcelona demonstrates that increased tourism on the Mediterranean coast of Spain correlated with a 70 percent decrease in mollusk shells during the tourist season in... ...

1320.Microalgae and Aquatic Plants Can Help to Decrease Radiopollution in the Fukushima Area (2014-01-14)

( Environmental news )

... After a huge earthquake caused severe damage to the Fukushima 1 Nuclear Power Plant in 2011, Japanese plant scientists have been working to determine the impact of radioactive contamination on wild and cultivated plants. In a special issue of Springer’s Journal of Plant Research, these experts examine the potential adverse effects of radioactivity on nature... ...

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