P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82


261.Public monitoring of the environmental assessment procedures implementation: methodology (2019-03-07)

( Людина/Our Publications )

... Procedures of environmental impact assessment (EIA) and strategic environmental assessment (SEA) were enacted in the XX century. Their aim is to prevent environmental damage and to establish sustainable development. Nevertheless, EIA and SEA are new for some countries and are at the initial stage of implementation. EPL with partners from Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova prepared... ...

262.Hazardous Waste Management, the Ukrainian Way (2019-02-28)

( Eco analytics )

... About 600 thousand tons of hazardous waste is generated in Ukraine annually. These include worked out fluorescent lamps, motor oils, batteries, unfit and expired pesticides, pesticide packaging, medical waste and others. In European countries, this waste is safely generated, recycled, neutralized and disposed of, but in Ukraine it happens in a different way. Most of... ...

263.Hazardous Waste Management, the Ukrainian Way (2019-02-28)

( Людина/Our Publications )

... About 600 thousand tons of hazardous waste is generated in Ukraine annually. These include worked out fluorescent lamps, motor oils, batteries, unfit and expired pesticides, pesticide packaging, medical waste and others. In European countries, this waste is safely generated, recycled, neutralized and disposed of, but in Ukraine it happens in a different way. Most of... ...

264.Environmental Control Reform (2019-02-15)

( Eco analytics )

... Year by year the facts of excess pollutant content in water resources, soils and air are registered in Ukraine with increasing frequency, and reports on massive fish kills in rivers, people poisoning due to drinking water contamination or illegal pesticide or toxic chemicals spraying, on illegal dump sites found, air pollution above standard and smog,... ...

265.EBRD Ukraine (2019-02-15)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... EBRD Ukraine Kiev Resident Office 46-46A Antonovycha Str., Kyiv, 03150, Ukraine Tel: +30 44 354 4084 E-mail: kiev@kev.ebrd.com EIB Resident Representation for Ukraine 101, Volodymyrska Str UA-01033  Kyiv Ukraine +380 443908018 +352 437967495 kiev@eib.org Head of Representation: Jean-Erik DE ZAGON Hugues Mingarelli Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine 101... ...


( Eco analytics )

... All the resources necessary for our life are taken from the environment. This is the air we breathe, water which makes up 60% of our body and which makes our life possible, soil, which is used to grow agricultural products, and natural landscapes, which are a perfect place for rest and relaxation. According to WHO,... ...

267.Ukraine observes the Aarhus Convention! (2019-01-22)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... The Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court in its resolution in the case EPL vs. “Aquadelf” Ltd for the first time has reached a conclusion that an environmental (charity, non-governmental) organization is entitled to represent before the court the environmental interest of the society and its separate members in order to protect the violated environmental... ...

268.Policy brief on problems and urgent solutions in the forest management sector in Ukraine (2019-01-21)

( Eco analytics )

... CHALLENGES IN 2014 Absence of effective management system, absence of transparency, and qualitative legal system are the main problems in the forest management sector, which are the reasons of social dissatisfaction with the actions of forest officers. The biggest challenges were: Merging of economic and supervisory functions in the system of the State Agency of... ...

269.Policy-brief on environmental liability (2019-01-21)

( Eco analytics )

... Each state shall have efficient mechanisms in the field of environmental protection and conservation encouraging compliance with legislation, preventing future violations, reimbursing the inflicted damage. One of the mechanisms of ensuring compliance with environmental norms is environmental liability that is real, proportionate and adequate to the damage inflicted on the environment. The ultimate goal of... ...

270.Policy-brief on the reformation of the environmental control system (2019-01-21)

( Eco analytics )

... Since the proclamation of Ukraine’s independence, environmental control has repeatedly been reformed. The goal of the reform is to ensure real environmental protection, timely suspension and prevention of harm that may be caused to the environment, compensation for it, detection and suspension of violations, and bringing the perpetrators to justice. However, environmental control is still... ...

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