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291.On the draft law “On State Environmental Protection Service of Ukraine” (2018-11-19)

( Eco analytics )

... Ukrainian environment is in poor condition and it is not a secret. Every day in news we hear about polluted rivers, illegal logging, lands fool of garbage, burning of leaves and other dry greenery, etc. The main reason for disregarding environmental rules is that current environmental protection system in most cases allows population and industry... ...

292.On the draft law “On Waste Management” (2018-11-19)

( Eco analytics )

... In 2017 in Ukraine, about 10 million tons of household waste was created and then buried on landfills and polygons totally covering more than 8.5 thousand hectares1. According to the data of the Ministry of Regional Development, as of 2017 the total number of landfills is 5,434, among them 5.7% are overloaded, and 25% do... ...

293.A popular commentary on the Law of Ukraine “On Environmental Impact Assessment” (2018-11-14)

( Людина/Our Publications )

... The publication is intended to explain to the general public the main provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Environmental Impact Assessment”, which introduced the European mechanism of taking account of environmental aspects in the process of authorization of planned activities that may have significant adverse impact on the environment. The compendium is intended for... ...

294.Protection of the Tarutynskyi steppe (2018-11-14)

( Law/Protection of the right to safe and healthy environment )

... Essence of the case: protection of the biodiversity of the unique steppe land, restoration of the damaged part of the landscape reserve of local significance Tarutino steppe Region: Ukraine, Odessa region Essence of the problem: Destroyed about 1,000 hectares of particularly valuable steppe territory protected by the legislation on the natural reserve fund. Parties: Cabinet of... ...

295.“Lisproekt” and “Liszakhyst” enterprises need budget funding and independence from the State Agency of Forest Resources of Ukraine (SAFRU)! (2018-11-06)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... In recent months, state leaders have repeatedly demanded to punish the perpetrators guilty of illegal forest logging and “save Ukrainian forests.” In particular, the Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Hroisman ordered to conduct full inspections of all forestry companies to focus on their compliance with the law. According to EPL, no inspections can correct the... ...

296.“Lisproekt” and “Liszakhyst” enterprises need budget funding and independence from the State Agency of Forest Resources of Ukraine (SAFRU)! (2018-11-06)

( Екологія/News )

... In recent months, state leaders have repeatedly demanded to punish the perpetrators guilty of illegal forest logging and “save Ukrainian forests.” In particular, the Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Hroisman ordered to conduct full inspections of all forestry companies to focus on their compliance with the law. According to EPL, no inspections can correct the... ...

297.Clean Environment – Healthy Future (2018-11-05)

( Eco analytics )

... This policy paper is aimed to help in implementation of the transparent and intended use of environmental funds. The publication highlights the main problems of filling and use of environmental funds that lead to absence of tangible results in the environment and even to its deterioration. The document has shocking examples of misuse of funds,... ...

298.5 stages of waste management. Stage 1: Preventing waste generation (2018-11-05)

( Екологія/News )

... Do you know what waste management approaches applied in the EU should soon be working in Ukraine? The European Union practice The key steps classified according to their desirability and environmental friendliness are reflected in the waste hierarchy contained in the EU Waste Directive of November 19, 2008, which looks like this: 1. Prevention. 2.... ...

299.5 stages of waste management. Stage 1: Preventing waste generation (2018-11-05)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... Do you know what waste management approaches applied in the EU should soon be working in Ukraine? The European Union practice The key steps classified according to their desirability and environmental friendliness are reflected in the waste hierarchy contained in the EU Waste Directive of November 19, 2008, which looks like this: 1. Prevention. 2.... ...

300.Removing obstacles to the functioning of the Kaniv Nature Reserve (2018-10-16)

( Law/Natural protected areas and protection of biodiversity )

... Essence of the case: ensuring the proper functioning of the nature reserve as a separate legal entity, which is part of the nature reserve fund of Ukraine, is protected as a national heritage site owned by the people of Ukraine. Region: Ukraine, Cherkasy region, Kaniv Essence of the problem: The Kaniv Nature Reserve was illegally removed... ...

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