P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82


41.The progress in creation of the Emerald network in Ukraine (2023-10-18)

( Eco analytics )

... The Emerald network is the Ukrainian analogue of the Natura 2000 network in the EU. Its formation, as well as protection of rare species of flora and fauna and their habitats is a tool for preservation of 264 species of animals and plants, as well as more than 150 types of habitats. Functioning of the... ...

42.Policy brief on the reform in the area of industrial emissions (2023-10-18)

( Eco analytics )

... The man-made load on the environment in Ukraine is 4-5 times higher than in developed countries. The energy intensity of the gross national product in Ukraine is 10 times higher, and the resource intensity of the final national product is 3 times higher than the world level. According to the Institute for Evaluation and Measurement... ...

43.The ECtHR’s climate “Portuguese” case in context of the European initiative to protect the right to a safe and sustainable environment (2023-10-17)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... A week ago, a meeting of human rights defenders and eco-activists from various European countries took place in Strasbourg. There was a discussion of the ways of advocating for the earliest possible adoption of the draft protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights on enshrining the right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable... ...

44.Advantages, challenges and limitations of the criminalization of ecocide at the international level (2023-10-13)

( Eco analytics )

... Since the first use of the term “ecocide” to describe the impact of “Agent Orange” on the environment during the Vietnam War, the term has been applied to describe various instances of environmental damage around the world. Among such cases, in particular: Russia’s attacks on nuclear facilities in Ukraine, illegal oil extraction in Canada and... ...

45.Ukraine enacted the law “On the National Pollutant Release and Transfer Register”. We request to ensure open access to information! (2023-10-12)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

...   On October 8, 2023, the Law of Ukraine “On the National Pollutant Release and Transfer Register” entered into force. The environmental community had been fighting for the creation of such a register in Ukraine for twenty years, and EPL had to initiate the case at the international level. Today we have an approved legal... ...

46.The UN General Assembly recognizes the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment (2023-09-20)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... Humanity can no longer avoid, ignore or neglect the impact of climate change and environmental degradation on human rights, decent living conditions, economic growth and employment. Our common future is extremely dependent on whether we put health and the environment first. This reality was recognized by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in a unanimous decision... ...

47.Court decision: improper use of forests is the ground for terminating the agreement (2023-09-19)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... Numerous activists who periodically visited this area in Zakarpattia, cleaned up garbage, and at the same time repeatedly recorded violations by the non-governmental organization “Life of Trees” of the terms of the agreement with the state enterprise “Khust Forestry Experimental Enterprise“. The activists observed littering of the territory, removal of the top layer of soil,... ...

48.Factors influencing the right of citizens to safe drinking water in the context of war (2023-08-20)

( Eco analytics )

... Introduction The full-scale invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine had a devastating effect on the essential infrastructure, including water supply and treatment systems, exacerbating the triple humanitarian, economic and environmental crisis. Preliminary damage assessments demonstrate that the costs of this infrastructure may amount to billions of dollars, and that complete overhaul of many systems and... ...

49.The draft law 9516: the road to hell is paved with good intentions… (2023-08-07)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... The draft law 9516: the road to hell is paved with good intentions… or how the cancellation of requirements for EIA, clearcut sanitary logging and reduction of the powers of the Ministry of Environment will contribute to “effective management of forests on the basis of the principles of handling forestry close to nature, adapted to climate... ...

50.Bays of the Kakhov reservoir after the disaster. The silent death of thousands of living beings (2023-08-05)

( Екологія/EPL research )

... Consequences of blowing up the Kakhovskaya HPP for the ecosystems of southern Ukraine Walking along the bottom of the former reservoir, we saw thousands of shells from dead molluscs. They were scattered everywhere, among them lay the dried skeletons of crayfish, and sometimes there were remains of fish. Frogs croaked in the remaining lakes, surely,... ...

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