P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82


771.Urbanistic parks as a way of preserving green city zones (2016-01-27)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... Green city zones are often victims of human activities: they are ruined through tree cutting, erection of buildings, limited access to them and drastic decrease of their territories. As a result, residential areas that are already smoggy even more lack clean and fresh air, people have nowhere to have some rest or just go for... ...

772.Electric cars to use bus lanes in UK cities (2016-01-26)

( Environmental news )

... Department for Transport gives £40m fund to eight towns and cities as part of a drive to boost the uptake of cleaner cars ...

773.Engineers warn of looming UK energy gap (2016-01-26)

( Environmental news )

... Phasing-out of coal and nuclear reactors without alternatives will combine to create a supply crunch in a decade’s time, report predicts ...

774.How to protect yourself from toxic gases during shelling (2016-01-25)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... Not to be struck by a bullet does not mean to stay healthy and unharmed because the air during shelling also contains danger. 1 kg of explosives produces several cubic meters of toxic gases (SO2, NOx, CO) that also contain under-acidified organic compounds. Without protection of breathing organs such gases may cause serious diseases that... ...

775.How should a civilian protect him/herself from toxic gases during sheling? (2016-01-25)

( Екологія/Environment and war/EPL research )

... ...

776.Hazard in the air in Obolon’ district (2016-01-20)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... Recently there have been numerous complaints from local residents of Obolon district about the air pollution. In the morning and at evenings it is particularly difficult to breath, people get cough, and one can smell some chemicals in the air. The investigation of the causes revealed that several industrial enterprises of the district work without... ...

777.End of sanctions may help Iran face an accelerating environmental crisis (2016-01-20)

( Environmental news )

... Atrickle of water has returned this winter to Zayandeh Rud (the Zayandeh River) through Isfahan, but it won’t last long. ...

778.Greener, safer, cheaper: which countries are making progress on energy? (2016-01-20)

( Environmental news )

... Energy supply has become more stable in India ...

779.Truskavets “sea” and dolphins (2016-01-19)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... In November 2015, “Oscar” dolphinarium was opened in Truskavets. Before the opening of the dolphinarium International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” filed a complaint to the State Environmental Inspectorate in Lviv region with a request to check whether functioning of the dolphinarium and conditions in which dolphins are kept comply with legal norms and with a request... ...

780.Small hydro power plants in 2015: poor energy generation vs. millions of profits (2016-01-14)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... State enterprise “Energorynok” released on its web-site overview of its results for 2015. The 2015 analysis for each energy source reagrding amounts and costs of electrical power bought by the state enterprise “Energorynok” from producers of electrical power and sold to energy suppliers shows that the share of small hydro power plants in amounts of... ...

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