P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82


81.Save Svydovets (2023-03-29)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... Svydovets is one of the most massive and elevated mountain ranges of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Covered with alpine meadows and primeval forests on the slopes, its relief is known for cirques and lakes with snowdrops around them. This is one of the most valuable natural areas, a place of growth of Red List Edelweiss, a... ...

82.The war is not the reason for violating the Espoo Convention and damaging the environment (2023-03-23)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... Since 2004, Ukraine has experienced problems at the international level due to non-compliance with the Espoo Convention provisions1 during construction of navigation canal Danube-Black Sea through Bystre arm. Almost 20 years ago late Minister of Transport H. Kyrpa decided to construct the Danube–Black Sea canal through the core area of Danube Biosphere Reserve – Bystre... ...

83.The environment is a silent victim of the war in Ukraine without effective legal protection mechanisms (2023-03-21)

( Eco analytics )

... The environment is a silent victim of the war in Ukraine without effective legal protection mechanisms During 9 years of the russian federation’s war in Ukraine, the war brought not only direct threats to lives and health of Ukrainian citizens caused by explosions, destruction, shelling, detonation of mines and other types of hostile actions. As... ...

84.News on the session “Accountability for War Crimes against the Environment” (2023-03-08)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... During the “United for Justice” conference held from March 3-5 in Lviv, one of the discussion sessions focused on “Accountability for War Crimes against the Environment.” Speakers at this session included the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Ruslan Strylets, and a number of international experts in the field. A key aspect of the minister’s... ...

85.The conference was also known as the “legal Ramstein”. (2023-03-07)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

...   From March 3rd to March 5th, the “United for Justice” conference took place in Lviv, the city that gave the world two well-known lawyers who laid the foundations of international humanitarian law1. The conference aimed to unite Ukraine and its international partners to hold russia accountable for its crimes and become a global platform... ...

86.Call to action to the international community (2023-02-24)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is causing immense human suffering and loss of life. This war remains equally destructive for the environment, in turn affecting public health, ecosystems, food security and the climate; its consequences will be felt in Ukraine and beyond for decades to come.On the first anniversary of the full–scale invasion, which started on... ...

87.EIA IMPROVEMENT (2023-02-22)

( Eco analytics )

... On February 1, 2023, the government draft law # 8410 “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Environmental Impact Assessment” was registered in the Verkhovna Rada. This is essentially the first systematic revision of the law on EIA since its adoption in 2017. As indicated in the explanatory table, the draft law was developed... ...

88.Overview of ecosystem services valuation approaches through the prism of their application to determine damages caused by rf hostilities in Ukraine (2023-02-19)

( Людина/Our Publications )

... This analytical document provides fundamental provisions of ecosystem services concept, highlighting its urgency at the current stage of social development. The analytical document explains the notion “ecosystem services”,appoaches to their systematization and value identification, describes accepted methods for ecosystem services economic value assessment and current limitations in their application. Consideration of fundamental provisions of ecosystem... ...

89.Overview of ecosystem services valuation approaches through the prism of their application to determine damages caused by rf hostilities in Ukraine (2023-02-19)

( Eco analytics )

... This analytical document provides fundamental provisions of ecosystem services concept, highlighting its urgency at the current stage of social development. The analytical document explains the notion “ecosystem services”,appoaches to their systematization and value identification, describes accepted methods for ecosystem services economic value assessment and current limitations in their application. Consideration of fundamental provisions of ecosystem... ...

90.Court jurisprudence on disputes regarding compensation for environmental damage. Key aspects (2023-02-15)

( Eco analytics )

... Analyzing court jurisprudence on cases of compensation for environmental damage, it is worth paying attention to several main aspects. This publication analyzes the following of them: who can act as a plaintiff and a defendant, which court to apply to, deadlines for applying to court, court fees, compensation for damage and the possibility of applying... ...

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