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891.Amber. European approaches instead of legalization of amber-diggers (2015-08-05)

( EPL: Events and Announcements )

... 05 August 2015 Illegal extraction of amber is in the limelight now. Having started analyzing the issue, EPL stopped at the point of analyzing functioning of public authorities that fail to perform their functions, which lead to embezzlement of national values causing economic and environmental losses. ...

892.UK solar growth stalls following government subsidy cuts (2015-07-30)

( Environmental news )

... Large solar power farm development largely stopped following April cuts, new figures show, and smaller farms will be hit next ...

893.‘Extinct’ fly found in Devon nature reserve (2015-07-30)

( Environmental news )

... A fly thought to be extinct in the UK has been found in a Devon nature reserve. ...

894.Aurora found around brown dwarf beyond our Solar System (2015-07-30)

( Environmental news )

... An aurora has been spotted outside our Solar System for the first time, scientists report. ...

895.Tick populations booming due to climate change (2015-07-29)

( Environmental news )

... Ticks are spreading further north in the US and Canada with the potential to transmit diseases to dogs and humans, reports Earth Island Journal ...

896.Is Hillary Clinton’s ambitious solar energy goal for the US workable? (2015-07-29)

( Environmental news )

... Clinton’s first climate change policy pitch – for renewables to provide 33% of the nation’s electricity by 2027 – is bold, but the US must look beyond solar for a clean energy revolution ...

897.Bee-harming pesticide firms took part in key meeting on their ban (2015-07-29)

( Environmental news )

... Pesticide manufacturers, Bayer and Syngenta were involved in a meeting over whether to lift a ban on neonicotinoids in the UK, previously suppressed minutes reveal ...

898.The nine green policies killed off by the Tory government (2015-07-27)

( Environmental news )

... Onshore wind, solar, green homes … we round up the measures that have gone under the knife in what some are calling the worst period for UK environmental policy in 30 years ...

899.Hillary Clinton pledges half a billion solar panels for US if she wins office (2015-07-27)

( Environmental news )

... Democratic presidential frontrunner also says she wants America to generate enough clean renewable energy to power every home within 10 years ...

900.The Daily Mail and Telegraph get it wrong on Arctic sea ice, again (2015-07-27)

( Environmental news )

... Coverage of a recent paper on Arctic sea ice and climate change suggests conservative media can’t seem to grasp the concept of long-term trends ...

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