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971.REPORT ON PROGRESS made by Ukraine in implementation of MOP decisions regarding its compliance and of the Action Plan adopted by Ukraine (2015-05-09)

( Екологія/EPL documents/Aarhus Convention )

... November, 2010Prepared by Yelyzaveta Aleksyeyeva, EPL’s senior lawyer Having in mind that on its 30th meeting the Compliance Committee will review the progress of the Government of Ukraine in implementing MOP decision III/6f, EPL submits this assessment to update the Committee on how the situation has changed since EPL presented its view on the state... ...


( Екологія/EPL documents/Aarhus Convention )

... UkraineEnvironment-People-Law, an NGO from UkraineQuestions to the NGOsI. Your comments on the national reporting process under the Aarhus Convention:a. Was the process of the National Implementation Report (NIR) development in your country participatory in general (was it more participatory than the process of the previous NIR development in 2007-2008)? No, the process of NIR 2010/11... ...

973.Statement by Environment-People-Law for the 40th meeting of the АССС (2015-05-09)

( Екологія/EPL documents/Aarhus Convention )

... Statement by Environment-People-Law for the 40th meeting of the АССС ...

974.Decision IV/9h on compliance by Ukraine with its obligations under the Convention, June 29 – July 1, 2011. (2015-05-09)

( Екологія/Useful materials/Aarhus Convention )

... Decision IV/9h on compliance by Ukraine with its obligations under the Convention, June 29 – July 1, 2011. ...

975.List of requirements of the Espoo & Aarhus Conventions and the EIA Directive to be met by a national framework in the field of environmental impact assessment (2015-05-09)

( Екологія/EPL documents/Aarhus Convention )

... This document was developed by Environment – People – Law within the framework of the project Promotion of European Standards of Environmental Impact Assessment in Ukraine in 2013. The analytical document brings together requirements of three international instruments in the field of environmental impact assessment, including those on transboundary procedures and public participation. Despite the... ...

976.Aarhus Convention (2015-05-09)

( Екологія/Aarhus Convention )

... For the first time in the international law the public could directly participate in negotiations, discussions and adoption of the Convention. This was done by a coalition of NGOs that was attending all Convention negotiations, as well as IV Ministerial Conference “Environment For Europe” in Aarhus, Denmark (June 1998) where the countries adopted the Convention... ...

977.How much does nuclear safety in Ukraine cost? (2015-05-09)

( Екологія/EPL documents/Nuclear energy )

... On its sitting on 18 October 2011, the Committee of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine on the budget issues reviewed the draft Law of Ukraine “On Amending the Law of Ukraine “On State Budget of Ukraine for 2011”” (concerning funding for reviewing the norms and rules of nuclear safety in order to take into consideration... ...

978.Nuclear energy (2015-05-09)

( Екологія/Nuclear energy )

... Nuclear power in the modern conditions of energy deficit is a source of electricity, but to ensure nuclear safety and support of Ukraine’s protection balance careful approach to the operation of reactors, competent handling of nuclear materials, combating illicit trafficking of nuclear fuel and related environmental crime is required. Nuclear risks and nuclear accidents have... ...

979.Unfracked: why shale gas should stay in the ground & Gasland Part II film screening (2015-05-09)

( Екологія/Unconventional gases (Shale gas)/News )

... http://www.greenmediabox.eu/archive/2013/09/05/unfracked/ ...

980.Determining the origin of methane and its effect on the aquifer (2015-05-09)

( Екологія/Unconventional gases (Shale gas)/News )

... http://desmogblog.com/sites/beta.desmogblog.com/files/Dimock%20report.pdf ...

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