The European Green Deal (EGD) is a key cross-cutting sectoral environmental policy in Europe aimed at improving the well-being and health of EU citizens and future generations through: fresh air, clean water, soil and biodiversity, renovated energy efficient buildings, healthy and affordable food, more public transport, clean energy and modern clean technological innovations, products that last a long time and can be repaired, recycled and reused, a competitive and sustainable industry.
The European Green Deal is based on current EU legislation and the goals set in the new EU strategies and programs in the relevant areas. EU legislation on waste management should also be approximated by Ukraine in accordance with our obligations under the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. The readiness to follow the goals and objectives of the EGD has been repeatedly voiced by top Ukrainian officials. Consequently,on January 24, 2020, the government decided to form the Interdepartmental Working Group on Coordination of Overcoming Climate Change Consequences within the framework of the initiative of the European Commission “European Green Deal” and approved its regulations.