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27 February 2016 St. George square park – the place for making money and the place for manipulation with community or wise administration of municipal space?

Can we avoid problems in administering city space instead of heroic overcoming them? On 26 February 2016 at 15.30, Lviv municipality will consider the issue of opening the new road for private transport. If this happens, there will be traffic jams, if such a decision is declined, there will be 1 thousand of unhappy car…

23 February 2016 The second chance for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

The Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on Environmental policy, Nature Use and Liquidation of Consequences of Chornobyl disaster issued a positive conclusion on the draft law 2009a “On Environmental Impact Assessment” that introduces an European model of preliminary assessment of environmental impact of various types of activities that cause adverse environmental impact.

23 February 2016 Lost sites and areas of nature and reserve fund. Part 1. Volyn region

Ecologists and volunteers of the ICO «Environment-People-Law» (EPL) started studying the losses of nature and reserve fund (NRF) in the regions of Ukraine. Besides present NRF areas, a lot of others were established not long time ago. Still for some reasons these sites were cancelled.

19 February 2016 Economic courts closed the doors of justice for NGOs

On 16 February 2016, Kyiv Appellate Economic Courts supported the decision of Economic Court of Kyiv by which EPL was refused the right to challenge state acts on the right to use lands by regional landscape park “Hranitno-stepove Pobuzhzhia”.

18 February 2016 Ukrainian dolphin is unhappy dolphin

19 February is the World Day of Sea Mammals Protection. Ukraine has also habitats of mammals. There are three types of cetaceans in Ukrainian territorial waters – bottlenose dolphins, porpoises and azov dolphins. All of them are on the Red Species List of Ukraine and International agreement on the conservation of cetaceans.

17 February 2016 In 2015 in Ukraine less than 3% of the planned protected areas have been actually created

Despite the fact that the Strategy of regional development of Ukraine envisages expansion of the network of protected areas, during 2015 only in 10 regions of Ukraine decisions about creation of protected areas were adopted. Moreover, one protected object was created by the Ordinance of the President of Ukraine.

17 February 2016 Full-scale military training was held in the national natural park “Oleshkivski Sands”

As known earlier, in October 2015 the territory of Kozachelaherska arena of Nizhniodniprovskiy (Oleshkivski) sands was entered by military troops. Military armed forces in fact illegally seized the territory, including the part that borders on the national natural park “Oleshkivski sands.”

17 February 2016 The construction works in Mykilska Slobidka reveal an illegal scheme of construction (video from the air)

The construction of a multistoried residential complex in Mykilska Slobidka in Dniprobskyi district of Kyiv is a bright illustration of one of the most widely spread schemes used by Kyiv municipal council for allocating particularly valuable land lots from protected reserve for construction purposes. This is the persuasion of environmentalists of International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law”…

10 February 2016 In Ternopil region the newly created nature monument is destroyed

In Ternopil region, local population destroy a hill with rare plants by extracting sand and ignoring the fact that it is the newly created nature monument. The nature monument of local importance called “Dzherelna” was created on public lands of Kremenets City Council by the decision of Ternopil Regional Council of 9 April 2015 #…

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