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29 April 2015 EPL’s communication to the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee with regard to product sharing agreements was found admissible

In late March, we reported that at its forty-eighth meeting (Geneva, 24-27 March 2015), the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee considered the preliminary admissibility of communication PRE/ACCC/C/2014/118 concerning Ukraine submitted by NGO “Environment-People-Law” on 18 November 2014.

27 April 2015 EPL: Kyiv City State Administration is looking for investors for criminal proceedings

On 24 February 2015, Kyiv City State Administration released the notification that it plans reconstruction of 23 parks in Kyiv. dreamkyiv.com/kmda-planuye-rekonstruyuvaty-23-kyyivskyh-parky/ In particular, there are plans to make in parks cobbled paths, navigation, bicycle infrastructure, benches, trash receptacles, lighting, Wi-Fi, drinking sources, video cameras and emergency help buttons. Budget funds are planned to be used…

20 April 2015 On Environment Day, EPL together with students cleaned away garbage in “Znеsinnia” park in Lviv

On Saturday 18 April, EPL together with students who care about the environment cleaned away garbage in “Znesinnia” park. The territory of the park is huge and impressive, covered with centennial trees, a birch bosket. The area of protected lands in the park is 300 ha and total area of the park is over 700…

10 April 2015 On the sites of shell explosions near Donetsk EPL environmentalists revealed the whole Mendeleev periodic table of elements

International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” (EPL) continues studying the impact of military actions in Eastern Ukraine on the environment. EPL environmentalists study the changes in the environment, in particular in soils, concentrations of mobile forms of heavy metals that can migrate into plants and human organisms, and unsolvable forms of metals.

8 April 2015 Environmental education for judges

On 16 March 2015, International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” started realization of the project “Improvement of access to justice in the sphere of protection of environmental rights of citizens and the environment” funded by USAID. In view of the fact that environmental rights are directly related to the basic human right – the right to life…

16 March 2015 The draft law on environmental impact assessment on the finish line

In March 2015, the Interdepartamental group of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources that includes representatives of key ministries, agencies, public and experts of the EU project as well as experts of RPR-environment group on development of a draft law on environmental impact assessment completed the work on development of the draft law of…

6 March 2015 Resolution

of the round-table “Military actions in eastern Ukraine: risks and consequences for the environment and health” 22 January 2015, Aarhus Information Center, Kyiv  The round-table discussion was attended by representatives of central executive authorities, research institute, national and international NGOs.

26 January 2015 EPL, representatives of the ministries and scientists discussed environmental consequences of the war (video)

On 22 January, in Kyiv, International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” (EPL) jointly with the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue held a round-table discussion “Military actions in Ukraine: risks and consequences for the environment and health” that gathered representatives of the state and experts who study consequences of the war in eastern Ukraine for the environment and human…

1 December 2014 A new case regarding Ukraine initiated by EPL in the Compliance Committee of the Aarhus Convention

Press-release Having exhausted all national tools of judicial protection, at the end of November 2014 International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” (hereinafter EPL) submitted a communication on Ukraine to the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee. The communication covers alleged violations by Ukraine of its international obligations within the Aarhus Convention during development and conclusion of agreements on hydrocarbons…

1 December 2014 EPL experts: the damage caused to the environment of eastern Ukraine can be calculated using economic methods

Despite the fact that there are a number of important legal tools for environmental protection, environment continues to be a silent victim of military conflicts in the whole world2. Since 1999, the UN Environmental Program has conducted more than twenty post-conflict assessments of environment determining the main influence of the war. «Having analyzed reports of…

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