P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82


Events and Announcements

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2 November 2015 Announcement: “Road map for Ukraine in the sphere of waste management and electronic governance”

On 10-11 November 2015, Swedish Embassy in Ukraine and International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” (EPL) will hold international practical conference “Road map for Ukraine in the sphere of waste management and electronic governance”.

19 October 2015 Will Ukraine win the information war about shale gas and will it be able to make wise decisions?

In 2012-2013, International charitable organization “Environment–People–Law” (EPL) was one of the first organizations that studied the issue of extraction of unconventional hydrocarbons and results of these studies can beviewed here.

12 October 2015 Abu Dhabi hosted Eye on Earth Summit – 2015

On October 6-8,2015, Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates)hosted Eye on Earth summit2015. More than650participantsrepresenting international organizations andgovernments,as well asscientists, politiciansand the publicfrom variouscountries discussedthe use of moderninformation technologies forprotecting the environment andachieving the relevant objectivesof sustainable developmentdefinedat the end ofSeptember 2015 by world leadersat the UN summit http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/.

9 October 2015 Members of the public have discussed the issue of new nuclear reactors construction in Hungary

On October 7th, 2015, public hearing for the project “Construction of new nuclear power plant units Paks II” was held in the Aarhus Center of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine. Hungarian delegation visited Ukraine within the procedure of holding public hearings in adjacent states and preliminarily shared EIA results for studying,…

2 October 2015 Lviv hosted the training for judges-trainers of the course “Human rights and environmental protection”

On 28-30 September 2015, International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” (EPL) jointly with the National School of Judges of Ukraine at financial support of USAID Fair Justice Project held a training for judges – trainers of the course “Human rights and environmental protection” on the basis of methodological materials developed by EPL.

21 September 2015 Attitude of the population to environmental issues

21 September 2015 The survey was conducted by Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation and sociological service of the Razumkov Center from 22 till 27 July 2015. 2011 respondents aged 18 and older were interviewed in all regions of Ukraine except for the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Theoretical…

18 September 2015 Environmental lawyers welcome the decision of the Parliament regarding Khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant

International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” welcomes the decision of the parliament about cancellation of the Law of Ukraine “On placing, planning and construction of energy blocks #3 and 4 of Khmelnytsk nuclear power plant” of 06.09.2012.

14 September 2015 Ramsar sites of the Crimea can suffer from military bases

14 September 2015 EPL continues its studies of the state of environment in the Crimea after annexation and has revealed a number of gaps. There are new threats to the most valuable objects of protected areas.

19 August 2015 Training course for judges “Environmental protection and human rights”

19 August 2015 Within the project “Improvement of access to justice in the sphere of protection of environmental rights of citizens and the environment” implemented at financial support of USAID EPL are developing a training course for judges “Environmental protection and human rights”.

5 August 2015 Amber. European approaches instead of legalization of amber-diggers

05 August 2015 Illegal extraction of amber is in the limelight now. Having started analyzing the issue, EPL stopped at the point of analyzing functioning of public authorities that fail to perform their functions, which lead to embezzlement of national values causing economic and environmental losses.

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