On 4-5 July, in Zhdeniyevo (Zakarpattia region) there will be a meeting of environmental lawyers in Central-Eastern Europe and Caucasus.
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On 4-5 July, in Zhdeniyevo (Zakarpattia region) there will be a meeting of environmental lawyers in Central-Eastern Europe and Caucasus.
ReadInternational charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” started a training course on policy analysis for its employees. By English term “policy” we mean a complex strategy of actions aimed at solution of a certain problem. In Ukraine that we really hope started true reforms, it is vitally important to develop policy analysis in various spheres of social life…
ReadThe Access to Justice Task Force meeting within the Aarhus Convention took place in Geneva from 15 till 17 June. Besides representatives of governments of countries that are Parties to the Aarhus Convention, the meeting was attended by numerous representatives of civil society, academic institutions and international non-governmental organizations.
ReadOn 6 May 2015, International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” (EPL) held a press-conference under the title “After “clean-up” of the Kalush landfill, the concentration of deadly hexachlorobenzene exceeds the norm by half a million times”.
ReadIn late March, we reported that at its forty-eighth meeting (Geneva, 24-27 March 2015), the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee considered the preliminary admissibility of communication PRE/ACCC/C/2014/118 concerning Ukraine submitted by NGO “Environment-People-Law” on 18 November 2014.
ReadOn 24 February 2015, Kyiv City State Administration released the notification that it plans reconstruction of 23 parks in Kyiv. dreamkyiv.com/kmda-planuye-rekonstruyuvaty-23-kyyivskyh-parky/ In particular, there are plans to make in parks cobbled paths, navigation, bicycle infrastructure, benches, trash receptacles, lighting, Wi-Fi, drinking sources, video cameras and emergency help buttons. Budget funds are planned to be used…
ReadOn Saturday 18 April, EPL together with students who care about the environment cleaned away garbage in “Znesinnia” park. The territory of the park is huge and impressive, covered with centennial trees, a birch bosket. The area of protected lands in the park is 300 ha and total area of the park is over 700…
ReadInternational charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” (EPL) continues studying the impact of military actions in Eastern Ukraine on the environment. EPL environmentalists study the changes in the environment, in particular in soils, concentrations of mobile forms of heavy metals that can migrate into plants and human organisms, and unsolvable forms of metals.
ReadOn 16 March 2015, International charitable organization “Environment-People-Law” started realization of the project “Improvement of access to justice in the sphere of protection of environmental rights of citizens and the environment” funded by USAID. In view of the fact that environmental rights are directly related to the basic human right – the right to life…