The draft principles of International Law Commission (ILC) refer to “satisfaction”, which consists in “an acknowledgement of the breach, an expression of regret, a formal apology or another appropriate modality” as the third form of damage compensation – reparations. Satisfaction is intended as a form of compensation for damage caused by a violation that cannot…
Overview of activities of the UN Compensation Commission The rf’s unlawful invasion of Ukraine is nothing new in the history of relationships between states. Multiple aggressive acts of this kind took place in the previous century and the established international bodies, whose primary goal is to ensure international security and peace on the planet, took…
The UN ICJ can hear two types of cases: legal disputes between states (contentious cases) and requests for advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by United Nations organs and specialized agencies (advisory proceedings). Only states (UN members and other states that have become parties to the Statute of the Court or have accepted…
For a long period of time relationship between Costa Rica and Nicaragua were characterized by conflict. These circumstances resulted in a considerations of problematic issues by international agencies, such as the International Court of Justice, Organization of American States. For instance, in 1998, when Nicaragua banned transit of Costa Rican police vessels on the river,…
On November 18, 2010 the Republic of Costa Rica filed an application instituting procedures against the Republic of Nicaragua with respect to “incursion, occupation of and use by the Army of Nicaragua the territory of Costa Rica, as well as [alledged] breaches of Nicaragua’s obligations towards Costa Rica”, in particular, violation of the principle of…
Issue 1 From the first days of the invasion, russian troops began deliberately destroying critical infrastructure with both high-precision missiles and jet artillery. Definitely, the aim of such actions was to weaken the supply of Ukrainian cities with fuel, resources for reconstruction and to cause maximum economic damage. However, some cases recorded by us indicate…
Military action on the territory of Ukraine has led to many social and humanitarian problems, as well as caused serious threats of man-made emergencies resulting from the actions of the occupiers. The risks to the population associated with damage to facilities that pose an increased environmental risk are of particular concern at this time, because…
The threat of land mines and similar devices in northeastern Albania stemmed from the Kosovo conflict. After a survey by the Albanian Armed Forces in 1999, 15,250,000 square meters of dangerous areas were identified. The threat was coming from anti–tank and antipersonnel mines planted by the former Yugoslav Republic, unexploded ordnance, subammunitions from jet artillery…
Currently forest management in Ukraine is characterized by a number of systemic problems making it extremely inefficient and leading to the degradation of our forests. In fact, the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine concentrates excessive and contradictory powers, which contribute exclusively to the economic direction of both regulatory and supervisory activities, without due regard…
This policy paper examines 17 indicators of the Biodiversity Strategy as part of the European Green Deal. It presents materials that reveal what stage our society is at and how much is left to achieve the set targets for the conservation of Ukraine’s biodiversity. Its importance lies in the fact that Ukraine is on the…
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