Kiev, IA “Ekho-Vostok”, 1995, 20 p., in Ukrainian.
A manual how to create a NGO, composed by Svitlana Kravchenko, Doctor of Law, Professor, academician of the Ukrainian Environmental Academy of Science, Anatoliy Pojodziayev and Iryna Tustanovska. The manual contains information about the notion of NGO and its rights, requirements for the statute, procedure of legalization and account opening, and other necessary procedures. The manual also includes samples of necessary documents (statute, application, protocol of the statutory meeting, information about founders, information about the administrative structure), which are placed in the middle of the book. So, it is possible to use these samples during the preparation of the documents for registration.
The manual was published with the technical assistance of the US NGO ISAR and with the financial support of USAID.