The manual constitutes the second edition of the analytical review of the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in cases relating to the environment. The authors analyse court judgments under specific articles of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the content of which was creatively interpreted by the…
The manual constitutes the second edition of the analytical review of the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in cases relating to the environment. The authors analyse court judgments under specific articles of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the content of which was creatively interpreted by the…
This analytical document provides fundamental provisions of ecosystem services concept, highlighting its urgency at the current stage of social development. The analytical document explains the notion “ecosystem services”,appoaches to their systematization and value identification, describes accepted methods for ecosystem services economic value assessment and current limitations in their application. Consideration of fundamental provisions of ecosystem…
Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW), USA Environment–People–Law (EPL), Ukraine Winning strategies for Communities and the Environment in Ukraine and Around the World is a collection of success stories compiled by ELAW and EPL, to serve as inspiration for environmental defenders. The publication includes environmental cases initiated by activists and non-governmental organizations in Australia, Argentina, Belize,…
The handbook provides definition and criteria of strategic litigation, expected outcomes and goals of public interest litigation, test or strategic litigation, reflects upon opportunities of creating such cases which will promote forward-looking strategic goals of an organization or an individual, discusses possibilities of strategic litigation cases that will contribute to transformation of Ukraine into such…
Procedures of environmental impact assessment (EIA) and strategic environmental assessment (SEA) were enacted in the XX century. Their aim is to prevent environmental damage and to establish sustainable development. Nevertheless, EIA and SEA are new for some countries and are at the initial stage of implementation. EPL with partners from Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova prepared…
About 600 thousand tons of hazardous waste is generated in Ukraine annually. These include worked out fluorescent lamps, motor oils, batteries, unfit and expired pesticides, pesticide packaging, medical waste and others. In European countries, this waste is safely generated, recycled, neutralized and disposed of, but in Ukraine it happens in a different way. Most of…
The publication is intended to explain to the general public the main provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Environmental Impact Assessment”, which introduced the European mechanism of taking account of environmental aspects in the process of authorization of planned activities that may have significant adverse impact on the environment. The compendium is intended for…
Hazardous waste in Ukraine instead of being recycled enters the environment About 600 thousand tons of hazardous waste is generated in Ukraine annually. These include worked out fluorescent lamps, motor oils, batteries, unfit and expired pesticides, pesticide packaging, medical waste and others. In European countries, this waste is safely generated, recycled, neutralized and disposed of,…
According to the data of the World Health Organization for 2016, Ukraine ranks fourth in Europe by number of deaths per 100 thousand persons (137 deaths) resulting from air pollutioni. To compare, in the neighbouring Poland and Slovakia this figure makes respectively 76 and 59 cases, and in Austria – only 39 out of 100…
Human rights and environmental protection: tutorial manual for judges-trainers of the online course. Printing house “Manuscrypt”, 2018. The tutorial manual is intended to help judges develop skills in examining cases in the area of environmental protection and human rights while taking the distance course “Human Rights and Environmental Protection”. It can be used both by…
Clean and safe environment is an expensive asset. Every year developed countries allocate a significant budget for their environmental programs1. They realize importance of the environment for the development of the national economy and population health. Ukrainian situation is different: high-quality environment is considered too expensive. At the same time the nature‘s laws are the…