P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82


Environmental information

Assimilating and providing environmental information is an important part of EPL activity because it is both a source of knowledge and a prerequisite for an effective environmental and legal movement. EPL informs citizens by providing consultations, searching, analyzing, and disseminating environmental and legal news; publishes informational and analytical pieces: maintains a timely and informative web-page; and executes its mass media strategy.

EPL disseminates daily news through electronic mailing to its members and partners. Mailing lists receive the most updated and hot information including important statistical data, results of environmental and legal research, and legislative news.

Environment-People-Law Journal is an important means to share environmental and legal information among environmentalists, lawyers, students and interested public. Covering a wide range of topics including natural reserve fund issues, access to environmental information, human rights, and others, the Journal is a powerful source of information and serves as a forum for discussing these issues.

The EPL library collects environmental and legal materials in a systematic way. The library contains environmental publications (books, monographs, journals, systematized newspaper articles on environmental and environmental protection topics), national environmental and legal publications (legislation, comments on legislation, articles, journals) international publications (on international aspects of environmental protection), national environmental legislation, literature on international and foreign environmental protection efforts and organizations, and a video collection including the most popular environmental films. EPL regularly updates the library fund, informs library users about new acquisitions, disseminates literature, corresponds with library users, compiles materials into thematic files, maintains a catalogue and database of the library materials, registers library users, and loans literature.

EPL actively reviews Ukrainian legislation and the development of international law on environmental protection and related subject (e.g., public information, access to justice), and publishes our analysis and comments.