P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82



Mykolayivcement plant

Region: in the vicinity of the villages of Rozvadiv, Drohovyzh, on the outskirts of the town of Mykolayiv, Mykolayiv district, Lviv region Core of the case: protection of the residents’ right to safe for live and health environment Essence of the problem:The plant functions without a project of sanitary-protective zone while the projects which are…

Violation of the legislation on the right to information and public participation in climate change issues by the Ministry of Environmental Protection in Ukraine

Case: Violation of the legislation on the right to information and public participation in climate change issues by the Ministry of Environmental Protection in Ukraine. Fact of the matter: protection of the right to information, and right on public participation in decision making process in environmental matters. Parties: plaintiff: NGO “Environment-People-Law” (EPL) defendant: Ministry of…

Violation of the legislation on the right to information and public participation in climate change issues by the Ministry of Environmental Protection in Ukraine

Case: Violation of the legislation on the right to information and public participation in climate change issues by the Ministry of Environmental Protection in Ukraine. Fact of the matter: protection of the right to information, and right on public participation in decision making process in environmental matters. Parties:plaintiff: NGO “Environment-People-Law” (EPL)defendant: Ministry of Environmental Protection…

Climate Change and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Ukraine

Case: Consideration of the climate change issue in the course of EIA in Ukraine. Region: Ukraine Fact of the matter: Impact of a planned activity on the global climate change in the course of EIA in Ukraine is not being taken into consideration. The impact of the projected objects on the microclimate is considered, but…

Access to information on international GHG emissions trading by Ukraine

By its resolution of 26.10.2009, Lviv circuit administrative court opened a new legal case initiated by Environment-People-Law (EPL) against the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and National Agency of Environmental Investments (NAEI). EPL asked the court to recognize unlawful the inaction of the above mentioned governmental bodies towards information dissemination and oblige them to make…

Environment-People-Law against National Agency of Environmental Investments – access to information in National Electronic Registry of Anthropogenic Emissions

Case: Environment-People-Law against National Agency of Environmental Investments – access to information in National Electronic Registry of Anthropogenic Emissions. Region: Ukraine Parties: plaintiff: NGO “Environment-People-Law” (EPL);defendant: National Agency of Environmental Investmets (NAEI). Merit of the case: assure appropriate access to information in the National Electronic Registry of Anthropogenic Emissions. Fact of the matter: The National…

Protection of the right to safe and healthy environment

Case: extension of the lifetime of nuclear reactor № 1at South-Ukrainian nuclear power plant (SU NPP) Region: Ukraine, Mykolaiv region, Yuzhnoukrainsk Essence of the case: protection of the right to safe and healthy environment during decision-making on extension of the lifetime of nuclear reactor №1 at SU NPP Parties: EPL, the State Inspection of Nuclear…

Рrotection of biodiversity and protected area of Ukraine

Case: Tashlytska Pumped Storage Hydro Station Region: Ukraine, Mykolaiv oblast, Yuzhnoukrainsk Essence of case: protection of biodiversity and protected area of Ukraine, protection of the right to safe and healthy environment; Parties: Residents of Mykolaiv and Mykolaiv oblast, regional-landscape park ”Granitno-stepove Pobuzhya” SE NNEC “Energoatom,” South-Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant, Ministry of Fuel and Energy of…

Biodiversity conservation

Case: Danube-Black Sea Canal Region: Europe, Ukraine, Odessa oblast, Vylkovo city (map) Essence of case : Protection of the biodiversity of the Danube delta Parties: President of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Transport of Ukraine, SE “Delta Lotzman”, Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Danube Biosphere…

Rescue Of Bear

Case: Rescue of Bear Region: Lviv oblast, city of Lviv Essence of case: Animals’ protection Interested party: West-Ukrainian Society for Protection of Animals Essence of problem: Transportation of bear from the unspecialized open-air cage in Lviv to the shelter for bears, created by WSPA in the city of Wereshedhas (Hungary) Main facts: Since 1997 West-Ukrainian…

Denying access to information by Accounting Chamber of Ukraine

(short description – full version in Ukrainian) Environment-People-Law (EPL) has set an important precedent for freedom of information in Ukraine by convincing a court that a Parliament advisory body should be subject to national freedom of information law. EPL brought the case against the Accounting Chamber – state body that executes control over the state…


Case: BrodyvodokanalEcopravo-Lviv versus state-run water supplying company “Brodyvodocanal” Region: Ukraine, Lviv oblast Essence of case: Protection of the right of public organization to environmental information Parties: Ecopravo-Lviv – plaintiff, Brodyvodocanal – defendant Essence of problem: Court proceeding on the refusal to provide the environmental organization Main facts: On November 9, 2001, the Lviv Oblast Commercial…

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