P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82



Mykolaiv Potassic Terminal

Case: Mykolaiv Mineral Fertilizer TerminalMykolaiv oblast association “Zelenyi Svit” and shipyard “Okean” versus the company “Nika-Tera” Region: Mykolaiv oblast, city of Mykolaiv Essence of case: Protection of the citizens right to participation in the environmentally important decisions Parties: Mykolaiv oblast association “Zelenyi Svit” and shipyard “Okean”- plaintiffscompany “Nika-Tera” – defendant Essence of problem: Satisfaction in…

Protection of environmental activist Mr. malYtskyI

Case: Protection of environmental activist Mr. Malytskyi Region: Mykolaiv region, Mykolaiv city Essence of the case: Protection of the right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression Parties: Ecoactivist, member of oblast association “Green world” O. Malytskyi; newspaper “Evening Mykolaiv”. State company “Energoatom”, independent branch “South-Ukrainian Nuclear Powerplant” (SUNPP). Essence of the Problem: Energoatom in the…


Case: Garage Region: Ukraine, Lviv. Essence of case: Protection of the right to safe and healthy environment Parties: Residents of Mezyrichya – plaintiffsChervonograd city council – defendant Essence of problem: Lychakivska district administration, housing and communal office, citizen. Main facts: In 1996 a resident of Lviv applied to “Environment-People-Law” (EPL) (formerly Ecopravo-Lviv), complaining on her…

St. Anthony Cathedral

Case: St. Anthony CathedralResidents of Lviv versus Lviv City Council, company “Astra” Region: Region of Lviv, Lviv Essence of case: Protection of the right to safe and healthy environment Parties: 250 residents of Lviv – plaintiffs; Lviv City Council, company “Astra” – defendants Essence of problem: Judicial proceeding on annulment of the City Council decision…

Import of Hazardous Wastes (acid tar)

Case: Prevention of import and further incineration of hazardous wastes (acid tar) Region: Ukraine Essence of case: Protection of the right to safe and healthy environment. Essence of problem: During recent years over 20 000 tons of hazardous wastes were imported from Hungary into the territory of Ukraine Main facts: In 2003 hazard wastes were…

Yabluneviy dar Ltd

Case:Yabluneviy dar LtdProtection of citizens’ rights to clean and safe for life ambient air Region:Ukraine, Lviv region, Horodok town Essence of the case:Cancellation of the permit for pollutants emission into the ambient air issued by State Administration for Environmental Protection in Lviv region to Yabluneviy dar Ltd with violation of the procedure of issuing such…

Hnizdychiv: alcohol factory

Essence of the case: Protection of the right of residents of Hnizdychiv village (Lviv region) to safe for life and health environment. Essence of the problem: non-compliance with environmental law by the alcohol factory having negative impact on the state of the environment and violation of environmental rights of locals. Basic facts: Hnizdychiv state alcohol…

Construction of nuclear power blocks № 3 and 4 at Khmelnytska NPP

Core of the case: Construction of nuclear power blocks № 3 and 4 at Khmelnytska NPP Region: Ukraine, Khmelnystkyj region, town Netishyn Essence of the case: protection of the right to safe and healthy environment, right to public participation in environmental decision-making Parties: EPL, the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine, the Ministry…

Protection of the right to safe and healthy environment

Case: extension of the lifetime of nuclear reactor № 1at South-Ukrainian nuclear power plant (SU NPP) Region: Ukraine, Mykolaiv region, Yuzhnoukrainsk Essence of the case: protection of the right to safe and healthy environment during decision-making on extension of the lifetime of nuclear reactor №1 at SU NPP   Parties: EPL, the State Inspection of…

Challenging confidentiality of the Agreement on hydrocarbons sharing

Region: Ukraine Goal of the case: to cancel unlawful limitation of access to conditions of agreements on hydrocarbons sharing Parties: plaintiff – international charitable organization Environment-People-Law, defendant – the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Essence of the issue: In January 2013, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine signed a product sharing agreement with the company…

Control over the activity that influences climate

Case: Control over the activity that influences climate Region: Ukraine Essence of the case: arrangement of control over the activity that influences climate in Ukraine Essence of the problem: There is no proper control over the activity that influences climate change, the list of enterprises that commit GHG emissions is not created in Ukraine, the…

Biodiversity conservation

Case: Danube-Black Sea Canal Region: Europe, Ukraine, Odessa oblast, Vylkovo city (map) Essence of case : Protection of the biodiversity of the Danube delta Parties: President of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Transport of Ukraine, SE “Delta Lotzman”, Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Danube Biosphere…

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