P.O. 316, Lviv, 79000

+380 32 225 76 82



Protection of the Tarutynskyi steppe

Essence of the case: protection of the biodiversity of the unique steppe land, restoration of the damaged part of the landscape reserve of local significance Tarutino steppe Region: Ukraine, Odessa region Essence of the problem: Destroyed about 1,000 hectares of particularly valuable steppe territory protected by the legislation on the natural reserve fund. Parties: Cabinet of…

Removing obstacles to the functioning of the Kaniv Nature Reserve

Essence of the case: ensuring the proper functioning of the nature reserve as a separate legal entity, which is part of the nature reserve fund of Ukraine, is protected as a national heritage site owned by the people of Ukraine. Region: Ukraine, Cherkasy region, Kaniv Essence of the problem: The Kaniv Nature Reserve was illegally removed…

Construction of a small hydroelectric power station on the Dzembronya River

Region: Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Dzembronya village (former Berestechko village, Bystrets local council). Trial: on invalidation of the land rental agreement dated August 16, 2010, concluded between Bystrets local council and Myronyuk V.V. The application of the consequences of the invalidity of the transaction, namely: to oblige the Myronyuk V.V. to bring the land plot to…

EPL against SE “Ukrderzhbudekspertiza”

Case: The protection of EPL’s right to environmental information. Litigation: challenging the refusal of the State Enterprise “Ukrderzhbudekspertiza” to respond to a request for information and requesting the court to provide complete information. Region: Ukraine, Kyiv. Parties: Plaintiff – ICO “Environmental-People-Law”, defendant – State Enterprise “Ukrderzhbudekspertiza”. The essence of the problem: business entities do not…

Construction of the small HPP in Goloshino village

Region: Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Goloshino village The essence of the case: the protection of EPL’s interest in preservation of the river Bilyj Cheremosh. The court case: invalidation of the land lease agreement concluded on 16.08.10 between the Goloshinsky village council and the private limited company Mironyuk V.V. and invalidation of the contract of sublease of…

Violation of the right to safe and healthy environment by pig farm “Lemberg-Agro” LtD

Region: village Duliby, Zhydachiv region, Lviv oblast Essence of the case: Protection of the right to residents to safe and healthy environment, protection of elements of environment (water, soil, air), protection of activists Essence of the problems: launch of operation of pig farm, located at the distance of 230 м from the nearest house violates…

Construction of mineral wool plant by LLC “Knauf Insulation Ukraine”

Region: Ukraine, Kiev region, Fastiv Essence of the case: Protection of the right to safe and healthy environment, right to participation of the public in environmental decision-making Parties: Plaintiff – ICO “Environment-People-Law”, Respondent – Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine, third party to the dispute – LLC “Knauf Insulation Ukraine“. Essence of problem: Foreign company…

Construction of mineral wool plant by LLC “Knauf Insulation Ukraine”

Region: Ukraine, Kiev region, Fastiv Essence of the case: Protection of the right to safe and healthy environment, right to participation of the public in environmental decision-making Parties: Plaintiff – ICO “Environment-People-Law”, Respondent – Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine, third party to the dispute – LLC “Knauf Insulation Ukraine“. Essence of problem: Foreign company…

violation of rules and norms of keeping wild animals in captivity, no permits for the maintenance and use of wild animals

Case: dolphins protection. Region: Ukraine, Lviv region, Truskavets. Essence of the case: animal protection against cruel treatment. Parties: EPL, Dolphinarium “Oscar Truskavets” LLC “Akvadelf”. Essence of the problem: violation of rules and norms of keeping wild animals in captivity, no permits for the maintenance and use of wild animals. Main facts: October 31, 2015 dolphinarium…

Road construction in the St. George square park

Core of the case: protection of the St. George square park. Region: Ukraine, Lviv region, Lviv. Essence of the case: protection of the right to safe and healthy environment, protection of the green spaces from the construction Parties: EPL, citizens of Lviv, Lviv city council, municipal enterprise “Lvivavtodor”, Curia of the Lviv archdiocese of the UGCC. Essence of the problem: road construction in the St. George…

Failure to provide information by the Department of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration

Case: appeal the refusal to provide information Region: Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Kalush city Essence of the case: protection right of access to information Parties: EPL, Ivano-Frankivsk regional state administration (Ivano-Frankivsk RSA) Essence of the problem: violation of public access to environmental information on disposal of hazard waste (Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)) Main facts: EPL was approached by…

Atmospheric Trust Litigation

Case: Atmospheric Trust Litigation Region: Ukraine Parties: plaintiff: NGO “Environment-People-Law” (EPL); defendant: the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (CMU), Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine (Ministry), National Agency of Environmental Investmets (NAEI). Goal of the case: Protection of present and future generations from negative consequences on climate change. The claim was prepared as part of…

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