Essence of the case: protection of the biodiversity of the unique steppe land, restoration of the damaged part of the landscape reserve of local significance Tarutino steppe Region: Ukraine, Odessa region Essence of the problem: Destroyed about 1,000 hectares of particularly valuable steppe territory protected by the legislation on the natural reserve fund. Parties: Cabinet of…
Essence of the case: ensuring the proper functioning of the nature reserve as a separate legal entity, which is part of the nature reserve fund of Ukraine, is protected as a national heritage site owned by the people of Ukraine. Region: Ukraine, Cherkasy region, Kaniv Essence of the problem: The Kaniv Nature Reserve was illegally removed…
Region: Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Dzembronya village (former Berestechko village, Bystrets local council). Trial: on invalidation of the land rental agreement dated August 16, 2010, concluded between Bystrets local council and Myronyuk V.V. The application of the consequences of the invalidity of the transaction, namely: to oblige the Myronyuk V.V. to bring the land plot to…
Case: The protection of EPL’s right to environmental information. Litigation: challenging the refusal of the State Enterprise “Ukrderzhbudekspertiza” to respond to a request for information and requesting the court to provide complete information. Region: Ukraine, Kyiv. Parties: Plaintiff – ICO “Environmental-People-Law”, defendant – State Enterprise “Ukrderzhbudekspertiza”. The essence of the problem: business entities do not…
Region: Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Goloshino village The essence of the case: the protection of EPL’s interest in preservation of the river Bilyj Cheremosh. The court case: invalidation of the land lease agreement concluded on 16.08.10 between the Goloshinsky village council and the private limited company Mironyuk V.V. and invalidation of the contract of sublease of…
Region: village Duliby, Zhydachiv region, Lviv oblast Essence of the case: Protection of the right to residents to safe and healthy environment, protection of elements of environment (water, soil, air), protection of activists Essence of the problems: launch of operation of pig farm, located at the distance of 230 м from the nearest house violates…
Region: Ukraine, Kiev region, Fastiv Essence of the case: Protection of the right to safe and healthy environment, right to participation of the public in environmental decision-making Parties: Plaintiff – ICO “Environment-People-Law”, Respondent – Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine, third party to the dispute – LLC “Knauf Insulation Ukraine“. Essence of problem: Foreign company…
Region: Ukraine, Kiev region, Fastiv Essence of the case: Protection of the right to safe and healthy environment, right to participation of the public in environmental decision-making Parties: Plaintiff – ICO “Environment-People-Law”, Respondent – Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine, third party to the dispute – LLC “Knauf Insulation Ukraine“. Essence of problem: Foreign company…
Case: dolphins protection. Region: Ukraine, Lviv region, Truskavets. Essence of the case: animal protection against cruel treatment. Parties: EPL, Dolphinarium “Oscar Truskavets” LLC “Akvadelf”. Essence of the problem: violation of rules and norms of keeping wild animals in captivity, no permits for the maintenance and use of wild animals. Main facts: October 31, 2015 dolphinarium…
Core of the case: protection of the St. George square park. Region: Ukraine, Lviv region, Lviv. Essence of the case: protection of the right to safe and healthy environment, protection of the green spaces from the construction Parties: EPL, citizens of Lviv, Lviv city council, municipal enterprise “Lvivavtodor”, Curia of the Lviv archdiocese of the UGCC. Essence of the problem: road construction in the St. George…
Case: appeal the refusal to provide information Region: Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Kalush city Essence of the case: protection right of access to information Parties: EPL, Ivano-Frankivsk regional state administration (Ivano-Frankivsk RSA) Essence of the problem: violation of public access to environmental information on disposal of hazard waste (Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)) Main facts: EPL was approached by…
Case: Atmospheric Trust Litigation Region: Ukraine Parties: plaintiff: NGO “Environment-People-Law” (EPL); defendant: the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (CMU), Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine (Ministry), National Agency of Environmental Investmets (NAEI). Goal of the case: Protection of present and future generations from negative consequences on climate change. The claim was prepared as part of…